um im going through a midlife crisis at 18.. i have all the symptons but dont have kids.. sigh.... whts WRONG with me!?
12 answers
asked by
➔ Women's Health
i dont know where my life is headed, what i want to do with my life... what my purpose in life is.. i hate school.. i hate work! I have nobody i can trust bored with my life...i feel unsatisfied.. somewhat empty...and yeah i feel like i dont wanna grow old.. im scared
07:48:31 ·
update #1
most people do not have any idea what they want to do at 18, what you are going through is perfectly normal.
if you don't know what you want to do make a list of things that you don't want to do, then go from there...
2007-02-10 08:35:29
answer #1
answered by lv_consultant 7
Honey it's not a "midlife" crisis or you can expect to not live past 36...Mid-life crisis is called that because it tends to occur in the late 30s to mid 40s which is typically the middle point of most people's lives (average lifespan being around the mid 70s these days).
You simply may be going through a 'crisis' of some sort...people of all ages have emotional issues at times (esp women with all our hormones) and you are just becoming an adult and a lot of things are probably about to change (or are changing) in your life...
Don't panic...take a deep breath, and work through whatever is troubling you...if you'd care to PM me then do so and we can chat about any specific issues you'd care to share...I'm 42 so I know all about Mid Life...LOL! (no crises yet though!)
2007-02-10 07:36:17
answer #2
answered by . 7
I feel the same way. I'm 18 too, of course, you already know that cause I posted answer on your other question...LOL I don't know what I want to do in life. Right now, I go to college but I'm just thinking about which career will make me feel happy going there everyday. I hate school too but hey, we all got to get our education to start a good career that pays good money. I have nobody I can trust too, well, except my family I can trust but NOT friends. I'm bored with my life too. I feel unsatified too. Somewhat empty too. I feel like I don't want to grow old because I'm scared too. But I think we are both growing up at this age so that's why we feel all this emotions. We are becoming more responsible persons. It's part of growing up.
2016-05-25 03:42:45
answer #3
answered by Jeanine 3
Are you getting enough sunlight? Don't know where you live, but this time of year is tough on the mental health because of the 'short' days. Are you getting enough exercize? It's tough to keep the body revved up and the mind clear during the winter, unless you're into winter sports or exercize at a gym or at home.
If you're having trouble deciding what you want to do with your life, now that you're out of school, that isn't really mid-life crisis. It's just life. You don't give enough details to know how to address your question.
2007-02-10 07:34:43
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
You are going through new life crisis. 18 is a time when you have the responsiblities of an adult. Very scary.
The cure: get busy, make new friends by getting out of the house, join organizations, forget about the way you look and join the crowd of others that are worried about the way they look.
2007-02-10 07:33:22
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
WHAT? Ridiculous. You are NOT having a mid-life crisis. What---you only planning on living till you're 36? LOLOLOL
Maybe your just overwhelmed. Step back and take a look at your priorities in your life. Change some things around so that you aren't so stressed out.
2007-02-10 07:33:25
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Finally, something I can relate too. I'm 18 and going through the same symptons. I feel stressed out, anxiety and depressed at this age.
2007-02-10 07:33:53
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
i mean this in a nice way,,your not going through a midlife crisis !!!! you only need to get a life, or change the one you have !!! sorry,no offence intended....
2007-02-10 07:36:16
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
mid life starts in the thirtys your just stessed out it will get better
2007-02-10 07:41:01
answer #9
answered by harley w 4
its definitely not a midlife crisis. you are not old enough, mentally or physically.
describe symptoms......?....
2007-02-10 07:35:15
answer #10
answered by Anonymous