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hey well all my friends look so nice in there tight jeans and i look so ugly cuz im so flat...i hate it and i have a nice stomache but i HAVE NOOO BUTT....and all the guys say i have a nice face and stomache but they say i have no ***...pplz help

2007-02-10 07:11:38 · 7 answers · asked by SPUNKY626 2 in Health Women's Health

7 answers

Ultimately you aren't going to get a rounder butt by exercising. You can firm up the muscles but that won't give you a J. Lo toosh...you'd need butt implants for that and they are risky and expensive. Accentuate your good features. You are lucky to have a pretty face and a nice tummy. Find yourself a guy who doesn't care so much about how your butt looks...

2007-02-10 07:16:18 · answer #1 · answered by Cute But Evil 5 · 0 0

Sorry, ya can't grow a butt but you can do exercises to try to enhance what you do have...

Check out http://exercise.about.com/cs/exerciseworkouts/tp/butt.htm to see the top 10 butt exercises. If you work those muscles they will appear somewhat larger, but that's no guarantee you'll ever have a "big nice round butt"

Learn to work with what you've got and to be happy with who you are...self confidence is very appealing...someone always bemoaning that their butt or breasts are too small or too this or too that is boring to listen to pretty quickly...

2007-02-10 07:32:26 · answer #2 · answered by . 7 · 0 0

My dear, there are trilions of women who would sell their eye teeth and their left arm for a flatter butt. A big butt takes up the space in your jeans and makes them tight fitting. You don't say how old you are, but I sense you are young. It'll get there sooner or later. In the meantime, consider this...it is not the size of your butt but the size of your character that should matter.

2007-02-10 07:17:19 · answer #3 · answered by bflogal77 4 · 2 1

Honestly, as a guy it gets a little old hearing girls go on and on about wanting a bigger butt. Most guys (at least white one's, lol) would rather a girl to tone the butt she has than work to get a bigger one. Skinny girls with big butts just looks unnatural. I rather have a small, skinny girl with a toned butt than an average sized girl with a fat butt. Work with what you got, and that'll make [most] guys happy, no matter how much they tease you.

2007-02-10 08:58:23 · answer #4 · answered by milan 4 · 1 1

Greens & Cornbread. Girl thats all I ate for about a month & i gotta J Lo butt now

2007-02-10 08:15:40 · answer #5 · answered by renee 2 · 0 0

My best friend is Somali. She finds her "baggage" to be unattractive because she thinks she's fat. It's a mixture of diet and Somali body type.

2016-05-25 03:40:10 · answer #6 · answered by Jeanine 3 · 0 0

1)cornbread and cabbage
2) doin it doggy style

2007-02-10 08:26:41 · answer #7 · answered by MzTique 2 · 1 0

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