no, marriage is like a job, it takes hard work, love, commitment, and communication.
2007-02-10 07:34:23
answer #1
answered by nwnativeprincess 6
Ok so I am single but I think marriage is probably never easy. A relationship whether married or not is something both parties need to keep working on. There will always be something you don't agree with, the trick is to compromise. These days people seem to get divorced over those small little things which can be avoided if only people take the time to sit down and talk about it. I really believe in talking, find out what is bothering the other person, let the other person know what's bothering you and talk about how and what you can do to avoid/improve things.. and never ever go to bed upset.
But hey, that's just what I think.
2007-02-10 07:02:23
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I believe that u should but now days people don't try hard enough nore go far enough and try they give up when it gets to that certain point and you feel it can never get any better... I gave up before......
Now I am with someone else and it's beeen years and we are just in a relationship nothing like marriage and we have been through it all you can't inmagine like things you see on tv or only hear about but we have stayed faithful the whole time to one another... I will never give up again i am a fighter and i know this is the one for me he was sent to me from the LORD so if I take that road again those words will stay...
2007-02-10 06:59:16
answer #3
answered by j_luuv 1
Basically you answered your own question,your right marriage takes alot of work, if you really love each other then you do what you need to do to make it work.Plan things together, have a date night, try and remember what brought you together in the first place. People have a tendency to forget when, why and how they fell in love.Rembering all those things is what keeps you together. Put some elbow grease into it and work on it don't give up,if he is your soul mate then find away to bond back together again. Good luck
2007-02-10 06:56:06
answer #4
answered by glorene b 3
Sometimes relationships get to a point where they need a lot of work but one or both people aren't willing to put the best effort into fixing things. If you take a break from each other, as hard as that may seem, and both live separate lives you may grow in a way that helps you to better handle the relationship together. You may also realise that you've grown in a way that makes it impossible to be together again. Either way you've found a way to make the relationship what it is supposed to be.
2007-02-10 06:52:05
answer #5
answered by summer 5
I agree with you. However, contemporary people think that relationship is something that just happen out of thin air. I think that mentality has caused so much problem in today's society. If you watch "starting over" house program on NBC (i guess), there are so much works and effort put into relationship. Relationship is only maintained and improved when all the parties invovled work together and go through pains together. I think that is what the marital vow means. Many people are giving up the effort aspect of relationship.
2007-02-10 06:59:14
answer #6
answered by dansdna 2
You might get surprised how much even soul mates have to work hard on building a good marriage and maintaining the miracle of love in everyday efforts, compromises and considerate actions ... but it is always the most rewarding to keep the flame of the love through life ... if possible, don't forget that marriages are made in heaven, it is usually people that make hell of them...
2007-02-10 06:53:42
answer #7
answered by Vesna G 5
Marriage is a commiment that is taken MUCH TOO LIGHTLY now a days. For better or worse is a litteral term. If we didn't have rainy days how would we appreciate the sunny ones? Everybody has hard times, but you are bound to be able to find good one there as well. Give yourself couple time or date nights. Spend quaility time together. Make it a habit to reach out and touch him. Give him a compliment here and there. Can't hurt.
2007-02-10 06:54:24
answer #8
answered by momma 2
I get tired of people divorcing because marriage isn't the bed of roses they expect. Its a lot of work and determination to be married. If you truly love someone being there through thick and thin, though hard, should be a high priority. I have been married for 12 years and believe me it has its ups and downs. I say if your not willing to work and love the person your with through good times and bad, don't get married.
2007-02-10 07:06:13
answer #9
answered by MJ 3
i think the marriage is beautiful think, to live with your love till the end.. it's so nice.. but when i just hear broke up and divorce i though in the begging why is that how much easy to get divorce from someone u lived with him/her more than everyone else.. but when they don't know what the exactly the meaning of marriage they treat it not well... for example if the pregnant women don't carry the child in her for 9 months she don't feel it worth, if she just get pregnant one week she will treat it badly... so if anyone know what real meaning will never get divorce...
2007-02-10 07:31:15
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
In my opinion, marriage is a lifetime commitment. There is not a solveable problem that can make me get a divorce. I have always told my husband that the only reason I would ever get a divorce is if he was unfaithful.
2007-02-10 06:59:55
answer #11
answered by babyj248 4