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lots of migranes in one day and i cant get ride of them i take asprin but about a hour later it comes back. i have been told that i am enmic but im not sure exatly what that means can anyone tell me why i have so many migrans in one day and if im enmic or not?

2007-02-10 06:34:59 · 3 answers · asked by sunny 3 in Health Women's Health

3 answers

If your able to take Motrin, then take the recommended dose . If it continues , you should think about seeing a neurologist. He/She may want to take an MRI to see if anything abnormal is going on .

It can also mean that your period is coming, that happens to alot of people, including myself.

2007-02-10 07:45:55 · answer #1 · answered by trish 3 · 0 0

enimic is when you have low blood sugar you often feel week and shaky and feel really sick they can very welll give you headaces to . i was having quite a few really bad headaces so my doctor perscribed me on anti-deppressants because they help with headaces but i stopped taking them because they made me feel like i was in a fog and he wanted me to eventually get off of them he just wanted it to work for alittle while and then let my body take chargeand i still ever so often get bad headaces.i think the best you can do is go and talk to your doctor and ask him if you need to change your diet or need to take medicine

i hope i helped

2007-02-10 14:49:07 · answer #2 · answered by pretty you 2 · 0 0

I'm not sure if it would have anything to do if your anemic. But usually if your anemic it means that your iron levels are low. Try taking an iron supplement and see if your migraines go away. If not, then they most likely don't have anything to do with each other.

2007-02-10 14:40:43 · answer #3 · answered by Lu 4 · 0 0

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