Especially since Plan B is available OTC? Our insurance just ran out, and it bugs me that teenagers can get Plan B to stop pregnancy, but we (my husband and I) can't get any form of the pill without a prescription. I use the Norethindrone tablets, and it's hard to figure out what is what on those on-line pharmacies.
11 answers
asked by
➔ Women's Health
I want to see my doc, and I'm HIGHLY against Planned Parenthood. If the morning after pill isn't OTC yet, it will be soon. I was under the impression it already was.
06:37:19 ·
update #1
Well, for one thing, a friend of mine said they charged her full price for the pills (i.e. what she would pay without a prescription). Also, I hate their abortion agenda. I don't want to support them.
07:09:04 ·
update #2
If your insurance just ran out quickly call your doctor and ask for a 90-day prescription with 4 refills to get you through the next year.
That will cover the prescription part at least. If he's been your doctor he should be able to do that...
otherwise you'll have to pay the expense of the doctor...
You need a prescription because a doctor has to monitor you... because the drug can be dangerous. Those teen centers have a doctor there on call for problems.
With prescription in hand, do your research on good priced pills.
If you do mail order 90-day supplies you not only get a bigger prescription from your doctor and don't need to see him as often, but also you pay for 2 months and get 1 month free so the drug cost is 33% less.
2007-02-10 06:38:04
answer #1
answered by Genie♥Angel 5
FYI, teenagers (anyone under the age of 18) cannot get Plan B over the counter. They require a prescription like it has in the past. You can still get a prescription for birth control without insurance, but it'll just cost you a lot more money. I've also heard of Planned Parenthood giving out oral contraceptives. Also, norethindrone tablets ARE a form of oral contraceptive, but are not as good as combination tablet forms of birth control.
2007-02-10 06:37:44
answer #2
answered by SwimnLaur03 3
Unfortunately, you have see a doctor in order to get birth control. Some people are different and you also need to be checked yearly. You might want to get your local pharmacy to call the doctor to avoid going to the office. Or you can try going to Mexico they have the same birth control pills there and you don't need a prescription, they are also less costly than in the U.S. A lot of senior citizens hit the border to buy in bulk. I have a question for you, why are you against Planned Parenthood?...just curious.
2007-02-10 06:55:55
answer #3
answered by ♪♫♫♪ 5
When you use birth control you have to be monitored annually for side affects. Serious problems can happen when taking the pill! Go to plan parenthood for help since you no longer have health insurance!
2007-02-10 06:35:31
answer #4
answered by Flipp 3
OCP or birth control pills are potentially dangerous drugs that can cause blood clots and other dangerous side effects . If you are asking this question, you definitely don't need to be taking them, because you are not aware enough about the dangerous side effects to make a rational decision based strictly on your question. This is why laws are made that are inconvenient because some one can't be trusted to check themselves out before they come up with an unsound decision without adequate knowledge of the risks as well as the benefits!
2007-02-10 06:42:02
answer #5
answered by cuban friend 5
Birth Control was always a prescription. FYI Plan B is not OTC. My girlfriend needed to get a script from her doctor for Plan B.
2007-02-10 06:34:44
answer #6
answered by Debbie T 2
you will have to see a doc, its not a big deal as they get it all the time and its free! im on the pill marvelon its great.
im not sure why you have to go through prescription, but im pretty sure that the law is hanging as it would be easier to get it over the counter and it would certainly stop a lot of teenage prgnancy.
2007-02-10 08:00:17
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Where do you live? I live in KY and at my local health department, they give you a free year supply of BC pills. They just require that you have a pap smear, or have had one in the last year. I know how expensive BC can be! Check your local Health Department.
2007-02-10 06:37:45
answer #8
answered by kc 2
Birth Control IS for PUSSYS!!!!!!
2007-02-10 06:40:14
answer #9
answered by Dimmo And Di 1