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I am 18 years old. I'm a senior in high school and I am just BARLEY a 32A. Well actually it's kind-of confusing. I measured a 30A yesterday and a 32A today but BARLEY! I've been the same size since the 6th grade...could there be something wrong with my breasts? I'm only 5'3" and i only weigh 93 pounds. I eat a lot it's not like i don't eat i do but i can't seem to gain weight. I was wondering if anybody had any advice as to how to gain weight. I've been the same weight since the 9th grade and the same breast size since the 7th grade. Could there be a medical reason? all my doctors say no because i was born premature. Would you suggest implants? Any advice as to how to gain weight and breast size? I don't understand how some people can LOOSE up to 6 pounds in a week or two but yet i can't GAIN 6 pounds in a week or two my ideal weight would be around 105 - 110 pounds which means I would have to gain about 12 to 17 pounds. HELP HOW DO I DO THIS PLEASE HELP!!! I NEED TO GAIN WEIGHT

2007-02-10 05:51:46 · 4 answers · asked by pantherkick07 1 in Health Women's Health

4 answers

I'd love to be that weight.

Don't worry, your metabolism will slow down and all the food you ate will catch up to you.

Talk to a dietitian or your family doctor.

2007-02-10 06:12:53 · answer #1 · answered by Terri 7 · 0 0

Talk to your doctor about a healthy way to gain weight. Just as some people have trouble losing, others have trouble gaining weight. You are a bit underweight so get professional counseling/advice on ways to gain it safely and in a healthy manner. Going on a junk food binge isn't the answer (and I've seen that suggested here in the past for others who had weight gain issues).

As for your breast size, even gaining some weight might not significantly increase your breast size. Some women simply have small breasts. If you desire implants, that's a personal decision. Your breasts dont' dictate who you are, but if their current size negatively affects your self-perception then perhaps you might want to consider implants if you can afford that.

For now, why not try either padded bras or some silicone "falsies" to see how you think you'd feel with larger breasts, how others react toward you, etc. You may find you don't prefer them after all...but "test drive" some (so to speak) before taking the big (expensive and risky) step of surgery.

2007-02-10 14:34:29 · answer #2 · answered by . 7 · 0 0

im in ur shoes. im 19 5/4 and 100 pounds i have a 32A chest too. I think its just because we are really tiny. no theres nothing wrong with whats going on with us. and i wouldnt suggest breast implants so many things could go wrong. my ideal wieight is around 110-115 and im no where near that. no way could i gain that weight and i eat 24/7. u are probally ur normal weight even though stastics say other wise since u are 5/3 with 32A chest. dont worry.

2007-02-10 14:17:39 · answer #3 · answered by lesley 5 · 0 0

maybe you should start working out. To gain weight i would suggest eatting lots of whole grain stuff and pasta, but i also suggest to workout, otherwise if you do gain weight it wouldnt look good. good luck though you must have a really fast metobolic rate

2007-02-10 13:58:25 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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