I am 18 years old. I'm a senior in high school and I am just BARLEY a 32A. Well actually it's kind-of confusing. I measured a 30A yesterday and a 32A today but BARLEY! I've been the same size since the 6th grade...could there be something wrong with my breasts? I'm only 5'3" and i only weigh 93 pounds. I eat a lot it's not like i don't eat i do but i can't seem to gain weight. I was wondering if anybody had any advice as to how to gain weight. I've been the same weight since the 9th grade and the same breast size since the 7th grade. Could there be a medical reason? all my doctors say no because i was born premature. Would you suggest implants? Any advice as to how to gain weight and breast size? I don't understand how some people can LOOSE up to 6 pounds in a week or two but yet i can't GAIN 6 pounds in a week or two my ideal weight would be around 105 - 110 pounds which means I would have to gain about 12 to 17 pounds. HELP HOW DO I DO THIS PLEASE HELP!!! I NEED TO GAIN WEIGHT
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