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4 answers

It may take a pill pack or three to get your cycle to coincide with your inactive pills.

2007-02-10 06:15:24 · answer #1 · answered by Terri 7 · 0 0

How far into your last week are you? I always started my period when I was on the 3 day of the "reminder" pills, but everyone's body is different, and the different brands of pills work differently, too. I'd wait a few days, and if your period still doesn't come, then call your doctor.

2007-02-10 13:07:23 · answer #2 · answered by kris 6 · 0 0

It could just be the type of pill you are on. Sometimes I go on my period the 3rd day off, but sometimes it is as late as the 5th day. If you still haven't had your period by the time you need to start your new pack, call your doctor for an appointment to see why your pills are messing with your hormones.

2007-02-10 13:37:47 · answer #3 · answered by bpbjess 5 · 0 0

what kind of birth control are you on and how long have you teken them? There are some birth controls that say you may not have a period at all with them. read your package insert that came with them.

2007-02-10 13:03:09 · answer #4 · answered by KLS 2 · 1 0

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