were and how do you get yeast infections?
i know you can get them sexually transmitted.
but that wouldnt be possible in my case.
i dont know if i have one,
but what are some syptoms
and what does it look like/ any smell?
im 15 years old.
6 answers
asked by
➔ Women's Health
it hurts when i urinate. and feels like i have to urinate alot.. but i dont. just pain alot.
04:43:56 ·
update #1
im sometims itchy too, could it be from a Urinary tract infection if i have one?
04:50:57 ·
update #2
Symptoms are itching, and odor and no they are not usually sexually transmitted.
If you have a burning sensation you may have a kidney, bladder or urinary tract infection. In which case, drink cranberry juice or orange juice and try garlic capsules.
If its itching and odor buy some Monistat-three day and if it does not cure it, go to the doctor for antibiotics.
2007-02-10 04:48:33
answer #1
answered by hebb 6
2016-09-08 11:38:16
answer #2
answered by ? 3
Hurting to urinate and frequent urination sound more like a urinary tract infection. Is your urine darker in color - like pink or red? If so, there is some meds your mom/dad/guardian can get over the counter that will help the symptoms, until you can go to the doctor and get the antibiotics to kill the bacteria.
Yeast is a fungus that we all have in our intestines. It likes to grow in warm moist areas and can, if overgrown, produce a discharge that will assist the e-coli bacteria that cause UTI (urinary tract infection) migrate from the rectum/anus to the urethra. It can be passed by bodily contact, however we can "give it to ourselves".
The best preventative is to keep the entire area from front to back clean and DRY!.
Yeast infestation symptoms are itchiness, white milky discharge that can smell fishy, or white clumpy discharge. The best idea would be to make an appointment with the doctor to get it checked out.
For info on yeast infestations, check out the yeast link at www.hufa.org.
2007-02-10 04:54:31
answer #3
answered by Pegasus90 6
i doubt it's yeast if it hurts like that with urination. In my experience you definatly have a UTI (urinary tract infection). It's pretty common but antibiotics are the only thing that will probably cure it. Although, drinking lots and nothing but cranderry juice can help A LOT! NO CAFFEINE and do see a dr.
2007-02-10 05:00:30
answer #4
answered by KLS 2
you could have bladder or kidney infection. drink a lot of cranberry juice and water until you can get some antibiotics
Yeast infection you have a discharge sometimes yellowish, smelly and you itch down there
2007-02-10 04:49:34
answer #5
answered by glamour04111 7
sounds like a urinary tract infection.. with the burning pee and having the urgency to pee after u just did... and if it itches and burns it seems u also have a yeast infection... you can get it from tight jeans, taking bubble baths ... you need to go to the doctor and give them ur symtoms and they will help you..
2007-02-10 05:07:34
answer #6
answered by gina B 3
go to http://yeastinfectiontreatment.deals-guide.com , there is a safe way to rid of it. you break free from them naturally in 12 hours
2007-02-11 00:47:44
answer #7
answered by Kristina A 3