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My tubes are tied, so pregnancy isn't the issue. My period used to be somewhat unpredictable, but for the last couple years, it's been right on schedule, until 4 month ago. I have no pain, no anything and ultimately, no period. I'm 33 years old. I don't miss it at all! But I am wondering why I haven't gotten it. Anyone have a possible theory? I'm not due to see the gynecologist for my yearly exam for another 3-4 months from now.

2007-02-10 04:37:11 · 6 answers · asked by ஐ♥Gin♥ஐ 3 in Health Women's Health

I don't wear tampons. Never could stand them. I am not anymore stressed than usual and I haven't lost weight, although I need to.

2007-02-10 04:51:31 · update #1

6 answers

when i was your age i went 2 years without a period due to anemia

2007-02-10 04:40:38 · answer #1 · answered by dumplingmuffin 7 · 0 0

Are you stressed? Have you recently lost a lot of weight and is now underweight? Well, just go get examined by your doctor to really find out what's wrong.

2007-02-10 12:41:30 · answer #2 · answered by ♥I-AM-MUSIC♥™ 1 · 0 0

It might be PCOS. You should have it checked out. Although many women show symptoms of PCOS from their teens or early twenty - but check if you have symptoms like acne, excessive hair growth, weight gain, or if you had irregular perriods earlier.

2007-02-10 15:35:42 · answer #3 · answered by Singha 1 · 0 0

One possibility is PCOS. You can look it up on line and see if you have any of the other symptoms (which include weight gain, by the way).

2007-02-10 13:10:21 · answer #4 · answered by kris 6 · 0 0

Have you removed your last tampon ? Sorry, this sounds gross, but I use to work for an OBGYN and we saw this a few times with women....

2007-02-10 12:42:15 · answer #5 · answered by mom of a boy and girl 5 · 0 0

i have no idea, im kinda in the same situation as you but for me my last period was before christmas

2007-02-10 13:04:18 · answer #6 · answered by L 5 · 0 0

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