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Over the last few years I have seen a number of video's ,stories ,and so called experts explain why the towers collapsed . Does anyone really care one way or the other . So what if the Government had something to do with it .Even if you could prove it what would happen or change . So dozens of other builds survive multi floor fires to be repaired and re-occupied around the world . So these steel buildings where the first to collapse ever . I only need someone who can explain building 7 and no one can ,except that it was demolished .
Big deal !!! What are you going to do ? Hold some hearings jail a few people stop the war . Its all water under the bridge and yesterdays news .
Nothing can be done so why do people keep trying .
George Bush could walk out on the front steps of the white house and say he did it and still 25% of the people would say well we needed to do something to get people motivated for the war on terrorism . The people are not in control of things anymore .

2007-02-10 03:11:57 · 12 answers · asked by -----JAFO---- 4 in Politics & Government Politics

12 answers

You are apparently not bright enough to understand the thousands of times that this has been explained. Here is a website. Maybe they can help you with this issue. www.911myths.com

2007-02-10 03:16:17 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 5 3

You are pretty much right. Unless the American people unite and storm Washington by the millions demanding they reopen 911.
Sheeple People who refuse to accept the fact that the Bush administration Orchestrated the Terror Attacks of 911 are just plain ignorant. It's impossible for Jet fuel or Kerosene to melt iron...LOOK AT THE PERIODIC TABLE OF ELEMENTS. Also if the floors collapsed causing a chain reaction it would have taken well over 90 seconds for the buildings to come down. They came down at free fall speed....9 seconds. There is no logical argument here. Explosives were pre-planted in the building. Case closed! Why are so many people having a hard time accepting this? We just need to come together and Bash President Bush as a whole. Then maybe he will look at Yahoo Answers and change life on Planet Earth as we know it. You know... No more wars...no more hunger...no more homeless...no more global warming...no more diseases...free dental care for the entire planet....and last but not least....two swim suit models for every man.

2007-02-10 03:29:07 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

Nothing is fishy about 9-11. Get the steel supports hot enough, say by burning a plane fueled for cross-continental travel, and the supports need only bend. Then, the rest of the tower comes down.

Radical islam does exist. It does oppose America. Whether war in Iraq was the answer, we still need to deal with that fact.

2007-02-10 03:23:44 · answer #3 · answered by WJ 7 · 3 0

The fact is that crimes that have been committed by many in the leadership of our country for the last 50+ years are so unbelievable and unfathomable by the average American it would completely upset many idealistic beliefs of what our government is supposed to be!
What we try to make people think we are. They are finding out the truth by our foreign policies.

Americans haven't yet realized it isn't a battle anymore between Democrat and Republican it is American constitutionalists vs The New World Order.

People still keep thinking when I post this I am being paranoid.

Watch this link with then President GHW Bush ushering in this movement yourself.

The people in this movement are willing to kill people to ensure their movement.......MLK ....JFK....JFK Jr.....Clinton alone has nearly 40 people who have been found dead during his administration.
Here's that list:

Interestingly this question has been deleted. Luckily for me I have printed the list before they deleted it.

What are you going to do?

Fight against the administration and this movement.
This is our country too!!!!!!!!!!

I have the list if people want to e-mail me I will gladly type it all out for you.
We cannot let our country be taken over by Fascists or Imperialists or Totalitarianists or any other "ist" unless its Constitutionalists!

No one is saying that the planes did not hit the towers.
That alone would not have brought them down. They were built to sustain that kind of impact and not fall. The bombs (that many that were there also heard) were put in place and set off to ensure the buildings would collapse.
You can hear the man who owned the buildings say in an interview to PBS that building 7 was "pulled". In demolition terms that means imploded. If the fires started in that building in the early afternoon there is no way that from that time to like 4:30 or 5:30 pm they could plant bombs to implode the building......it HAD to have been done previously.

2007-02-10 03:48:31 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

Excuse me but I could not understand half of your rambling babble.

Just say NO! to unfounded conspiracy theories.

I am not a George Bush supporter (nor basher) but the man was not responsible for the World Trade Center attack. He may have used the fear 9/11 caused to further his War on Terrorism & his attempt to dismantle the Constitution - something a TRUE CONSERVATIVE would have never done.

2007-02-10 03:21:59 · answer #5 · answered by Bad M 4 · 1 1

One thing I never hear from all the 9/11 conspiracy people....how do they explain all the New York city eyewitnesses that actually SAW the planes fly into the buildings?

2007-02-10 03:53:32 · answer #6 · answered by jonn449 3 · 3 0

You are a sorry specimen for a Human. 3,000 People died on 911. It was proved to be, and admitted to being, a Terrorist Attack. I sincerely hope that you are not an American Citizen!
The last election proves you wrong, even thought it was a big mistake, which is already be proved.

2007-02-10 03:29:17 · answer #7 · answered by Sentinel 5 · 1 0

Listen dude it was terrorist, not our government.We are the good guys unless you are a liberal.Liberals will do anything to win, and once they win they cut our military, and get back to redistributing our wealth.Liberalism is the biggest distinctive element in our country.

2007-02-10 03:22:31 · answer #8 · answered by shawnn 4 · 2 0

Just continue going to your Star Trek conventions,dear.

2007-02-10 03:19:50 · answer #9 · answered by all my kittens 1 · 5 0

The mainstream media and government will NEVER take an honest look at what happened on 9/11. It would destroy the establishment that they represent.

The only solution if you want to stay sane is to just quit worrying about it and move on.

2007-02-10 03:18:45 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 4

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