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And it came back CIN2. I had it removed. If I did not have it removed how long do you think it would have taken to go to CIN3 and then cancer? I had a check up last year and my pap smear came back negative which was good. Do I have to keep getting check ups each year? Can the abnormal cells come back? I now somebody whos's sister had CIN1 a few years ago, she left it thinking it will go away, and she died a couple of years ago of cervical cancer. Anyway Just curious to find out if the cells can return. Thanks

2007-02-09 23:46:35 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Women's Health

5 answers

Once you have an abnormal smear you have to have yearly smears even when the original problem is deal with ( I had VIN3 and have to have yearly smears too).
Cervical cancer is slow growing, it could take years to progress to stage 3.

2007-02-09 23:51:44 · answer #1 · answered by huggz 7 · 0 0

I had abnormal pap in 2005 with high risk pre-cancerous cells, had a colposcopy, which cam back positive, and a LEEP procedure...finally the LEEP came back negative, but I needed PAPs every 3 months for a year until all were negative. Now, I am getting them every 6 months. If you have the history of an abnormal PAP, then insurance should cover the test every 6 months. At a minimum, once a year is good, but I wouldn't go any longer than that. As far as the progression to cancer goes, everyone is different. Better to get checked every year, or twice a year if you can.

2007-02-10 00:05:30 · answer #2 · answered by LisaDee 2 · 0 0

Recent medical articles suggest that a woman with a history of normal pap smears does not need to have a pap every year, but rather, every 3 years. If you have a history of an abnormal pap, however, you need to have yearly pap tests. Yes, there is a possibility that abnormal cells can come back. Finally, if you had not had it removed I think it would have been awhile before you actually got cancer since cervical cancer progresses somewhat slowly.

2007-02-10 00:03:44 · answer #3 · answered by iloveeeyore 5 · 0 0

Yes, as with any cancer, the cells can return. Continue with yearly thorough pap smears (or more frequently, if that is what your doctor recommends). Be sure to ask for the most comprehensive smear. Some only test a small portion of the cervix.

2007-02-09 23:59:01 · answer #4 · answered by antheia 4 · 0 0

Everyone should have a pap every year. I would definitely have one annually if I had already had one to come back abnormal.

2007-02-09 23:58:12 · answer #5 · answered by rosey 7 · 0 0

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