No hoax, unfortunately we are ruining the Earth.
2007-02-09 17:47:17
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
no one, that's why its not a hoax. normally you can follow a money trail to the wizard behind the screen. but not with global warming.
look at upper NY right now....90+ inches of snow. Look out west, 15 billion worth of crops depend on honey bee's doing their business. but now they are finding millions of them dead. their immune system has totally shut down and every disease known to bee's is in them. Its almost biblical.
Well with no bees.....we get no food. No profit there. As weather changes more land will become desert as it will become warmer in temp. As it gets warmer, more moisture will be removed from the ground, turning it into desert. Look at how Africa's deserts work and you'll see this.
Melt all the ice off the globe and you raise oceans up at least 20 feet if not more. Well this destroys thousands of cities and will make up to 60% of the population move inland. Where there is a shortage of food due to lack of bees and lack of water due to higher temps.
There is no winner in this game, no profit maker.....but more of who can survive the longest. I grew up as a kid in the 80's. They use to talk about some day in the future it will be so warm we will have to wear like space suits to go outside. I can see that time coming in my life time and I am only 37 now.
I just love all the Al Gore look past ignorant. Guess you missed him getting the Nobel Peace Prize for Global Warming. Yeah....he's dumb huh. Yet the WORLD recognized him for his efforts. Look past a title of democrat and open your shallow mind, if you judge all by their "party" then you lead a sorry life I must say.
And all those that say they tax it and that is how they get rich. They tax it to make it cost more so you use less cause we are in this mess cause everyone has wasted for so long and so much. So blame yourself, not someone else.
2007-02-10 01:51:51
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Oh please, my brother just got a four million dollar grant to study Oceanographic changes due to global warming. (Yes there is money in science). Al Gore made how much money on his movie?
I do not discount the science of many human based GW studies and I also understand the corruption and politics within the scientific community as is evident in many other human based GW studies. Because of this I am leery to blindly support any opinion that may contain bias. I will relate it to acid rain, pandemics, stomach ulcers, cervical cancer, C sections etc etc etc...
Please remember most of these GW scientists incorrectly predicted another horrible hurricane season while other scientists using cyclical analysis were right on the money.
As an environmentalist I feel we all need to do our part to leave as little mark on this earth as possible, human induced GW or not, it is about recycling, simple energy conservation, water conservation etc etc etc...we all have to do our part..that's just common sense.
2007-02-10 02:02:02
answer #3
answered by mymadsky 6
I don't think anybody said it was a hoax. Hoax meaning a deliberate attempt to fraud. However, there are people that believe that global warming is part of the Earth's natural cycle. Not the same as a hoax so your question is wrong.
2007-02-10 01:47:49
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Nobody - the cons will argue about this until the weight of the evidence crushes them. After that they'll claim it was their idea all along and blame liberals for the costs. As Ron White says - You can't fix stupid.
2007-02-10 02:02:18
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Research scientists take-in millions of dollars in grant money. Greenpeace, Sierra Club, etc. take-in many more millions in donations by ginning-up hysteria. Global warming is a cash cow for lots of organizations.
2007-02-10 01:56:07
answer #6
answered by Jesus Jones 4
Excellent excellent question!
The answer is no one!
Lying about the seriousness of global climate change is finacially beneficial to most of Big Money and Big Business!!
Seems like a pretty self-evident situation!
2007-02-10 01:54:11
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Al Gore's making tons of money off of it. Plus,he's flying around in his private jet from city to city lecturing about global warming. What's wrong with this picture?
2007-02-10 01:52:03
answer #8
answered by Tin Foil Fez 5
This is how i see it...
You always see in the news "Warmest Winter in 100 Years."
Well...why didn't we worry about it 100 years ago? We didn't have as much industry then as we did now, so what did they have to blame it on then?
Who is making money from it?
Environmental agencies who give out fines for things that cause "global warming," public transit, equipment companies. If none of this existed, factories wouldn't be spending the money to buy all of this equipment in order to stop the emission of atmosphere burning of course, now they have these companies who make this equipment...who i might add are back by the EPA...are making millions selling this mandatory equipment. We've had bad weather, warm winters, and melting ice caps for thousands of years's just more to add to the fire of how our world is going to s***.
2007-02-10 01:50:26
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
politicians would benefit by being able to justify raising fuel, petroleum and automobile taxes. DUH!
....under the guise of "motivation for our citizens to conserve energy...."
I agree that we should conserve engergy and help the environment, but this global warming crap is the biggest cockamamey I ever heard!
I mean, come on....greenhouse gases building up in the atmosphere acting as insulation....thats the basic principle right.....geezus friggin kriest! do you people realize HOW BIG THE EARTH ACTUALLY IS, and not just the part you walk around on, but the entire atmosphere and everything.....and how much of this greenhouse gas it would take to do something this massive....a whole hell of a lot more than 60 or 70 years worth!
2007-02-10 01:48:06
answer #10
answered by Anonymous