Okay well I really want to get a designer bag but I want to get one nobody else has , I was going to get a chanel because I thought nobody else in my grade with have one but then today i saw a really popular girl in my grade with one and now I definetely don't want a chanel . The brands everyone in my grade have is Dooney,Coach, and Louis are there any other good brands that are somewhat affordable but unique so no one would copy it ?
19 answers
asked by
Lizzie . ™
Beauty & Style
➔ Fashion & Accessories
Lol , I'm in seventh grade and it seems like everyone has a designer bag . Yeah in seventh grade people have coach bags and I live in the middle of nowhere [Delaware] so I don't even know how they get them . hah
16:35:58 ·
update #1
yeah I babysit so this money is coming from me not my parents I'm saving up for one and so far I have like 200 dollars .
16:37:43 ·
update #2
OY someone tooooook Mine.... I was saying KATHY VAN ZELAND!!! U can find them one QVC...also.....MAXX....take a look at this site
here's a link to some cute bags that they show on QVC.
2007-02-09 16:34:26
answer #1
answered by a a a a 3
if she has a real chanel, shes very lucky. those bags are a grand+. you may wanna look at vintage bags and ebay is a great place to look. some brands would be prada, moschino, juicy, diesel. it might also help to look at neimanmarcus.com or saksfifthavenue.com for ideas. if its designer, its gonna be expensive and designer bags really arent very unique in the sense that the designs are copied and often made into knockoffs. im in high school, i know all about the concept of trying to be better than the rest, dont buy an expensive handbag to impress. if your gonna spend that much money on a bag, buy one you like bc you like it, not because its the coolest brand or because no one has it. someone ALWAYS has the same bag. goodluck finding one you like though.
2007-02-09 16:29:41
answer #2
answered by paula s 2
What school do you go to where everyone has real designer bags?!! If you're serious about this, why not try Marc Jacobs or Phillip Lim? Furla makes good bags in a variety of styles and is relatively affordable. Whatever you do, do not get a logo bag...so over!
2007-02-09 16:29:13
answer #3
answered by tata10-24 2
I'm pretty partial to Michael Kors and Marc Jacobs. In my opinion, Fendi and Gucci are a little old looking. They are classy and sophisticated, but you are young, and don't want to be carrying the same purse as your friend's moms. Currently, I'm carrying Ellen Welsch. Her patent leather bags are beautiful, and not everyone has them. If you want something fun and funky, you can always check out Betsey Johnson and of course LAMB. Try www.nordstrom.com and see if anything or any designer catches your eye. Good luck!
2007-02-09 17:45:59
answer #4
answered by CBenavides 2
Girl I have the perfect desiger for you. FENDI. Wait until every sees you with your new Fendi Zuucha bag. Get a spy bag or something like that. Only the classyest woman and girls have them. You can find a great brand new authentic one for a good price at http://www.zagahandbags.com I bought one myself from there and I just fell in love with it. everywhere I go people always ask where I got it. I even brought it into a Fendi shop in Rome and they said it was 100% authentic. They are classy and rare to see. Get a FENDI FORSURE! Check these people out. They will help you with w/e you need. Great service to.
Hope I helped
2007-02-09 16:29:13
answer #5
answered by Jessica Simpson 1
You said affordable. But, Chloe has some super HOT bags. Bloomingdale's carry them. Or maybe a nice Kate Spade, Michael Kors, Cole Haan, etc. You can find beautiful designer bags. Go look!
2007-02-09 16:32:49
answer #6
answered by Melody 3
i just learned about this namebrand i think youll luv them listen to this...
We feature Poesis designer handbags, Poesis baby diaper bags, and Poesis fashion accessories. Poesis has created a unique line of colorful designer handbags, baby diaper bags, fabric & leather wallets and fabric & leather handbags. Numerous 'A' list Hollywood celebrities including Sarah Jessica Parker, Hilary Swank, Charlize Theron, Hilary Duff, & Jennifer Love Hewitt and Geena Davis carry these Poesis name brand purses and shoulder bags. Now you can too.
hope you like them!!!!
2007-02-09 16:32:47
answer #7
answered by LBauburn 2
I’m in! Some of my bags are headed to http://www.thredup.com. It’s an online consignment store for kids and women. If I can get a few bucks for the clothes I’m clearing out that’s awesome. If you need anything new, new customers get 30% off with promo GET30. But you can just get paid out for your stuff too.
2014-08-19 19:19:15
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
i'm bag obbsessed; yet i often do not purchase on-line because theres no way of telling in the experience that they are authentic or pretend yet in case you quite prefer to i propose craigs list or ebay. yet, the superb places to get affordable fashion designer luggage are like Nordstrom rack, Saks fifth street, nemin marcus, or perhaps 2d hand shops have tremendous alternatives. wish this helps, Emery = ]
2016-11-26 20:45:14
answer #9
answered by ? 4
how old are you? are you buying the bag with you money you earned? life isn't about the material things-just think when you buy this bag-pretty soon someone else is gonna get the same designer...so is it really worth it? do what you like though.
i suggest fendi, mark jacobs, loop(has some awesome bags)
2007-02-09 16:35:41
answer #10
answered by determined 2
I'm in love with the Anna Corinna City Tote in tobacco. You can find it at shopbop.com I think. They'll cost you about 400-500 dollars but it's a good investment I think.
2007-02-09 16:22:23
answer #11
answered by Dzee 3