2007-02-09 15:53:36
answer #1
answered by Rider (12NI) 5
First and more importantly, what shoes are you intending on wearing........if you are buying new ones this is not such a big deal but find the shoes first and then find a necklace to blend in with them. If you want classy, go for gold, but if you want to tone it down a bit, buy some chocolate strappy shoes with a touch of turquoise bead and get something funky and chunky. This of course would really suit a strapless dress. If you have a halter go the simple gold if you have something that goes around the throat just add sensational earings and forget about the necklace. But definately the green/blues are so good with chocolate.
2007-02-09 17:46:26
answer #2
answered by like to help 3
Not having a photo of you or your Avitar Image, it is hard to say.
Yes, turquoise may work; but, depends on your hair color and skin tone. Blonde hair; or dark hair and dark skin.
Usually what goes well w/dark browns are:
orange, yellow-orange-amber mix, yellow, LIGHT green, and maybe . . .turquoise.
Also, shell jewelry of any mix esp. pearl luminescence.
Hope this helps.
Also, don't overwhelm a wonderful dress w/a necklace; contemplate earrings and a cool bracelet !
Might want, if time permits, to go into a store and try on different colors next to your skin and anything dark brown from your wardrobe.
2007-02-09 15:57:55
answer #3
answered by DC 3
depends, what are you wearing with rest of the dress? what colour is your purse or shoes? If i were wearing a chocolate colour dress i might go for a necklace with gold accents.
2007-02-09 15:58:05
answer #4
answered by zoooooom!!! 5
something to add a little colour, i'd say green or orangy colours to compliment the earthy kinda colour of the dress.
If its a plain dress, make necklace bold if its patterned keep the necklace simple to add a little colour and style
2007-02-09 23:26:31
answer #5
answered by Carrot 4
Make sure the bridesmaid's dresses are simple so they don't take away from your dress..maybe a soft brown with a simple neckline with brown shoes for the girls! Simple gold earrings too....your dress is very detailed so you don't need others wearing too much detail:) Congrats and good luck!!
2016-05-24 20:39:14
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
You could wear a necklace with gold or teal in it. or both colours together
2007-02-09 23:33:50
answer #7
answered by NIC 2
Coral looks amazing with brown and looks good on any skin tone and really brings out the color you are wearing. Its unexepected, but will bring you compliments for sure.
2007-02-09 17:17:40
answer #8
answered by banderson 3
A diamond solitare with small gold carat chain. Matching earrings.
2007-02-13 05:39:24
answer #9
answered by lonely as a cloud 6
Gold would look fine. If your talking about fine jewelry I'd say diamonds, amethysts, emeralds. Don't do turquoise right now - that trend has been played out.
2007-02-09 15:59:15
answer #10
answered by tata10-24 2