Animals have it because they are deeply connected with the nature. It's the same with people. People are also a part of the nature, although they are trying to be supreme and rule it. Nature is our mother, and those of us who accept the nature within, are gifted with the 6th sense.
2007-02-09 19:17:11
answer #1
answered by Barbara V 4
I think that what animals possess, which appears to be a sixth sense, is in actuality an instinctual response to stimuli. Humans used to be tuned in on an instinctual level also when we knew how to read the sky, the breezes, the signs of nature, etc. Now, our attention is on developing the mind and technology so the instincts exist below our threshold of consciousness. We haven't lost the abilities but they are buried deep within our awareness and don't resurface often because there is no need for them in our present-day lives.
The sixth sense is an intuitional sense, distinctly different from instinctual. A closed mind prevents a registration of outside impressions so it's usually the open minded individuals who receive an occasional impression or two. I think there will come a time in the development of humanity when the brain will be utilized as a processing organ for intuitional input and that humanity will learn more about the potentials of the mind and put it to good use in ways we can't even imagine.
2007-02-10 00:29:51
answer #2
answered by CosmicKiss 6
Animals tend to have much greater hearing and sight than humans do., and not only that, some can convert sound to sight (some mammals of the dolphin species can do this)This may give them a sixth sense because they can feel or perceive what would appear to be "ahead of time" in a human's mind or they'll get a strong sense of shifting change in the environment simply because that's the way they were made. When they sense a shift in the environment they don't hesitate, they react and do what they need to do.
Before the Tsunami in Asia, there was a group of dolphins who led some fisherman away from the current do they wouldn't drown and capzise their boat. Quite remarkable.. Animals know. Just like some humans have ESP or strong premonitions, but with animals it seems much more standard.
2007-02-10 00:01:47
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Wrong question. A better way to phrase this would be "DO animals have a sixth sense?" The answer to that is no. However, what senses animals do have work much better than what humans have. Some animals can see parts of the spectrum we cannot. Animals can hear frequencies we cannot. Animals can smell what we cannot, including fear and food. Humans? We've only brains, and look at the mess we made with those.
Oh, by the way, there is no such thing as luck. Every dice roll and coin toss and roulette spin and gamble is decided by Yehovah. He determines who wins and who loses. Sorry.
2007-02-09 23:56:00
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I have never heard that animals in general have the sixth sense.
Luck or future doesn't have anything to do with the sixth sense.
Why do only centian humans have it? Just because ..... each person is different in abilities, talents, skills. Things that are nature and some nuture.
Having the sixth sense is a spiritual gift. Some don't use it because they don't understand it. Some want it but never get it.
Others are more gifted than others. There are degrees of the gift.
There is a thin vail between the physical world and the spiritual realm. It is not for humans to understand until we cross to the other side.
2007-02-09 23:55:33
answer #5
answered by clcalifornia 7
It may or may not be true. We can't possibly be certain for sure. Seeing another angle of this world is hard to explain but i definitely believe in it through real life experience.
Anatomically animals are brought upon by birth possessing different anatomical genetic designs . Cats are supposed to see clearly and more distinctively 7 times more than humans, dogs are believed to be color blind thus seeing only in black and white . Insects like houseflies are believed to have multiple (not sure how many) refracted visions. We can't tell for sure but this is what science tells. If you asked me, this is just an idea because no scientists ever conveyed an experiment or testing on the efficiency of animals' senses getting direct answer or result from the animal itself.
Some humans have this, I don't know why but I believe it has something to do with open-mind allowing array of perception and inclination to nature, universe, belief to the existence of the soul, and of God.
2007-02-10 00:37:43
answer #6
answered by oscar c 5
It is hard to say, but animals without a doubt seem to know that things are going to happen. One of my siblings was dog sitting a dog she had taken care of numerous times before. The dog is usually very quiet and reserved, but one day it was completely out of character... Running around the house, whimpering and whining, nudging us with it's nose, and light barking. The next day we hear about a huge Earthquake that killed thousands.
As for humans... I think some of it comes down to the mind being at it's peak performance, (the mind processes information at a unbelievable rate). When you are in a situation where you have great knowledge in the matter, you can appear to have a special ability, because your brain takes in things you are not even aware of. This doesn't explain everything... I think some people just have a connection with our world. Keep in mind that every rose has it's thorn... It could be a burden to know something bad is going to happen, but not be able to do a thing about it, or even what is going to happen.
2007-02-10 00:49:45
answer #7
answered by Joe K 6
What makes you think animals have a sixth sense?
2007-02-09 23:54:06
answer #8
answered by Aunt Bee 6
Animals don't know about corruption; they lead a simple life on basic patterns of survival. Innocence prevails, like in little kids.
2007-02-10 00:24:07
answer #9
answered by Tune 3
What do you mean sixth sense? Do you mean having telepathy and such? I think animals have this because its part of their evolution, thats what they need in order to communicate to warn each other and communicate.
2007-02-09 23:53:48
answer #10
answered by Einstein Reincarnate 2