Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder! Everyone knows this saying, and yet today we are forced to believe that a woman should be skinny to the point of adult malnutrition and then be considered a beauty.
The fashion world has propagated this perception. We have never seen any popular designer consider a fashion show for average size women.
Most women are not a size zero, and the fashion industry should represent the women who are going to purchase their clothes.
P.S. If you are are wondering, I am not fat. Nor am I encouraging overeating to the point that one can barely breath when they take five steps!
Eat healthy! Don't starve!
2007-02-09 15:00:04
answer #1
answered by ♥Granny♥ 4
No. This is actually really insulting that people are saying this. I'm size double 0, I'm healthy, I eat a lot more than most of my overweight friends. I actually previously asked a question on Y!A that asked if it was just as bad to call someone underweight as it is to call someone overweight. I'm naturally thin, I can't help that I can eat quite a bit and not gain anything. I can't help that I'm a size 00. Is there anything wrong with that? There aren't only zero sized models in the world people, there are also plus sized models, curvy models, prego models. The people who complain about how women should be "curvy" and plus sized and stuff are just jealous that they aren't as skinny (in all honesty). If people feel so bad about themselves when compared to size zero models, then they're jealous. If people think size zero models look gross and anorexic, then that's their opinion. If people think size zero models are pretty, then that's also their opinion. I agree with the other person, you can't BLAME the fact you're overweight on the zero size models. Honestly, America is such an overweight country and people are seriously turning obese. If you look at other countries, the people are so slim and nice looking. If you look at people from the 1800's, they're not nearly as fat as people are nowadays. There are many body types, and size zero is one of them. All body types are beautiful in their own way, and I don't think it's fair to ban size zero bc it's "unhealthy looking" even when there are people out there so overweight to the point where THAT is also unhealthy.
2016-05-24 19:49:01
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
i know alot of beautiful NOt anorexic size 0 girls. I think clothing size is an unfair way of judging and they should be asessed by their health not their size. Desginers use thin girls because they can wear anything and its easier to make clothes for a walking hanger. But someone should regulate between the anorexics and just the skinny women.
Designers should be able to have whatever kind of model they want apart from sick one. I dont want some fat ***** selling me clothes...that doesn't make me want to buy it.
You cant say oh this girl should be a size 6 to model because if she is naturaly thin she will never be a size 6. U can be healthy and a size 0 it just depends on your genetics. Just like you can be a fat unhealthy size 6. U cant judge by clothing size.
Plus people in general have no idea what healthy eating and exercising is how do they really know if their healthy. BMI is misleading.
I'm a size 2 and i never starve myself but i work out and eat lots of veggies. Their is nothing healthy about having fat roles on you.
2007-02-09 22:40:16
answer #3
answered by Jungle Luv 5
Yes, I do think that other countries should follow Spain. It is unhealthy for pre-teen and teenage girls to have to idolize stick-thin models and celebrites. It disgusts me sometimes.
Yes, it is difficult for me to find clothes that fit. I am not skinny, but I am definitely not fat. But I am proud of my curves. Anyway... I fit into most large's at small-running stores like Abercrombie & Fitch and Hollister. But today, I went into a new boutique. I looked through all the jeans, about 15 pairs they had out. All, no exxaggeration, were 0's, 1's, or 2's, excpet for one 5, my size. Then the other tops I couldn't even get over my head because of the material and un-stretchiness of the fabric. It made me feel so disgusted with myself.
Yes, clothes shops definitely do have to take the responsibility to promote healthy body sizes. Models should be of fair size, and all styles should be offered up to at least an XL, and I think that the stores should have a limited amount of even larger sizes in the back of the store.
Great question. I starred.
2007-02-09 15:02:41
answer #4
answered by ♥ £.O.V.€. ♥ 3
Actually, a size zero now is equivalent to a size 2 of a couple decades prior to now. Clothing companies created this new size [and ultimately double zero] & bumped all sizes down one to make women feel BETTER about their body because it would seem they wore a smaller size [ex. - 10 = 8]
I think the size regulations of models is a great idea. Its sickening to literally see all of their bones and the fashions hanging off of them. And I say this as a thin person! However, I'm pretty sure they measure the health of a model & her eligibility by her BMI, which is more accurate than a size. With size, a model who wears a 4 could be thinner & have a lesser BMI than one who wears a 0 simply because her hip bones are set wider.
Hugs && Kisses
♥ Abby ♥
PS :: I wear a size zero, actually. But I'm 14 & 5'5", not 21 & 5'11" =)
2007-02-09 15:02:12
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
(referring to strawberry watever) ye but u just sed u wudnt want sum fat biitch modelling your clothes and ure going on about fat size 6s but u havnt mentioned thin size 10s they do exist u know and u r basically saying that u r for the size zero, so u r contridicting yourself! i personally do not mind the size zero being there its just the media is idolising it! this for one is rong and it does need to stop. at the end off the day u r basically saying that u dont want somebody fat 2 model ure clothes so wats rong with somebody with a petite or average figure modelling. Nothing! i personally am petite im a size 4, slim but curvy and i wud love to model but with todays standards, which are by no means wrong in every way they are just very fixed and exact. Yes, some people are healthy and size zero but how many? the minority! you are arguing for a mere 2.3% of the population who is naturally size zero. get ure act together and realise that todays fashoin industry is incredibly harsh and is ruining young girls perspective of thereselves, i have an overweight little sister and she cries every night because little kids r coming up to her and calling her fat! shes seriously asthmatic and she has to take steriods thats y she is overweight, shes clever and shes got a heart of gold, but nobody sees that they just see fat kid! its ppl like u that are turning tomorrows leaders and successors into anorexics, bulimics, drug addicts and sucidals. get ur act together! there more to life than your dress size
2007-02-10 03:55:49
answer #6
answered by ... 1
I don't think there should be size zero models. Can you imagine if men were size zero?!! It's not healthy. Did you watch the programme they showed yesterday on Channel 4 I think. They were showing how boney the models legs looked. They need to atleast take them to a size 6. At least that way they will look abit more feminine!
2007-02-09 19:05:11
answer #7
answered by calipornication 5
Yes other nations should follow Spain, especially the USA, where our models are anorectic, unhealthy, and have bodies that look more like teenage boys than the females they are supposed to be.
2007-02-09 15:02:39
answer #8
answered by daryavaush 5
Yes, they should. I think it would be unfair that there are plus size women but ban smaller women. I'm not encouraging anorexia or anything. I'm just saying that there should be models for every size.
2007-02-09 15:40:24
answer #9
answered by redjjo 3
i think models should come in all shapes and sizes. by banning ultra thin models we are alienating a percentage of women and young girls who are naturally thin. while the majority of people including myself aren't a size zero there are many people who are and by banning women who are "too thin" we are saying that its bad to have that body type. i think that as long as the models are healthy they should be allowed on the runway. all women in all shapes and sizes are beautiful. a young girl should be able to look up on the runway and see her body type.
2007-02-09 15:10:31
answer #10
answered by Anonymous