Here is the solution:
First look in the back corner of the yellow cabinet and you will find a silver key behind it.
now lick on the cabinet normally and look under it for a red screwdriver then grab the cross and back up one.
place the cross on the side table
look in the top drawer for a green screwdriver (use this to look at the inside of the bomb if you would like)
look behind the clock on the wall for a gold key (click the grey ring on the outside of it on the righthand side)
grab the papers out of the garbage can
use the gold key on the filing cabinet grab the papers inside solve the paper puzzles and put them together and you will get the computer password
it should be something like this: C36926510QT4420
then go to safe mode go to Safe Mode 2 then go to yes and back away from the computer
go to the calender on the wall go to december you will see that his birthday is 12/25 thats the combo to the lock on the computer desk flip the last page of the calender use the red screwdriver, use the silver key get the zippo lighter
open the top drawer of the computer desk with the comination 1225
get the scissors and cut the yellow wire beside you
then go to the center of the room again and set off the fire alarm with the zippo and wait
the alarm will stop ringing shortly after then after a bit of a wait the fire truck will arrive and you will be free when the fire fighter comes
2007-02-12 18:24:27
answer #1
answered by pevehead 4
There are actually alot of things you do not need.
1. Take the note on the floor and read it.
2. Get the red screwdriver hidden under the yellow dresser.
3. Get the grey key hidden behind the yellow dresser (left side, on the floor, between the dresser and the wall.
4. Get the yellow key hidden behind the clock on the wall. Use the yellow key to open the locked drawer of the dresser. Get the paper puzzle (the code is C369 on the first line, 65 on the second line and QT on the third line).
5. Check the calendar on the wall. Click the bottom right corner of each page until you reach the December page. It seems that the guy who usually works in this room is born the 25th of December… 1225. Click the December page to reveal a panel. Unscrew the four screws with the red screwdriver. Use the grey key to open the panel and get the Zippo lighter.
6. Open the top drawer of the computer desk with the date code (1225) and get the scissors!
7. Get the second paper puzzle in the trash bin (the new code is 2 on the first line, 10 on the second line, 4420 on the third line). The two paper puzzles give you the password for the computer: First: C3692. Second: 6510. Third: QT4420.
8. Select the Note option and read the different notes. Get back to the Main Menu. Select now the Safe Mode Setting and then Safe Mode 2. Select Yes. Now use the scissors to cut the yellow wire over the trash bin.
9. Use the Zippo lighter on the smoke alarm, and… wait, and listen! Three minutes later, the firemen are here, and you’re out!
2007-02-10 21:58:49
answer #2
answered by Chris 2
1. Take the note on the floor and read it.
2. Get the red screwdriver hidden under the yellow dresser.
3. Get the grey key hidden behind the yellow dresser (left side, on the floor, between the dresser and the wall.
4. Get the yellow key hidden behind the clock on the wall. Use the yellow key to open the locked drawer of the dresser. Get the paper puzzle (the code is C369 on the first line, 65 on the second line and QT on the third line).
5. Check the calendar on the wall. Click the bottom right corner of each page until you reach the December page. It seems that the guy who usually works in this room is born the 25th of December… 1225. Click the December page to reveal a panel. Unscrew the four screws with the red screwdriver. Use the grey key to open the panel and get the Zippo lighter.
6. Open the top drawer of the computer desk with the date code (1225) and get the scissors!
7. Get the second paper puzzle in the trash bin (the new code is 2 on the first line, 10 on the second line, 4420 on the third line). The two paper puzzles give you the password for the computer: First: C3692. Second: 6510. Third: QT4420.
8. Select the Note option and read the different notes. Get back to the Main Menu. Select now the Safe Mode Setting and then Safe Mode 2. Select Yes. Now use the scissors to cut the yellow wire over the trash bin.
2007-02-11 23:10:10
answer #3
answered by Kristin 1
i'm really not positive that it can be beaten. I've beaten all the other 'escape' games, but this one is nearly impossible. I have gotten into the computer, but from there i can't do anything. I have tried all the safe modes and cut the wires in different combinations, but nothing seems to work. If anyone does have the answer please post it.
2007-02-10 21:17:57
answer #4
answered by Mark C 1
Mark C what is the password you enter for the computer?
2007-02-10 22:00:37
answer #5
answered by ldizzle 1
I am stuck on the game too. Let me know how far you are.
2007-02-10 21:00:10
answer #6
answered by MazdaMatt 5
where does the zippo end up on the bottom of the screen i cant find it
2007-02-13 11:52:45
answer #7
answered by beau n 2
how do you get the grey key? i cant get to it!
2007-02-12 16:27:50
answer #8
answered by Ryan 3
how far did you get?
2007-02-10 19:36:21
answer #9
answered by tyu960 1