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Should I really wait 3 months before having sex to make sure the pill is working properly with no complications?
I heard that you should wait 3 months.
And what should I expect after I start taking it?
Weight gain? moodiness? what?
please help. I'm 17, a virgin, and going on the pill for the first time.

2007-02-09 12:07:55 · 5 answers · asked by samantha 2 in Health Women's Health

5 answers

You should definily wait 3 months before having sex. It takes 3 months for it to become regulated in your body. A friend of mine didn't know this and a month after she started the pill she was pregnant.

The symtoms are very minor. Personally I have never experienced one symptom from the pill. Some symptoms are: moodiness, headaches, spotting, weight gain, weight loss. Don't worry though.. for weight gain it's only *maximum* 5 pounds. And if you do experience side effects they disappear within 3-12 months.

But there are also advantages of the pill. Lighter period, shorter period and it helps acne or bad skin. :)

Smart choice and good luck! =)

2007-02-09 12:32:38 · answer #1 · answered by CSF 6 · 0 1

Everyone's body reacts differently to the pill. You won't really know your unique situation until you start taking them. To answer your questions:
~The pill is only 99% guaranteed. You can do everything correctly as far as taking them on time and everyday, but there is always that 1% chance that you could become pregnant. As far as waiting to see if it is "working properly", don't take any unnecessary chances. You should use codoms always anyway!
~The three month timeframe is for your body to get used to the synthetic hormones. It also takes the body a little while to stop porducing the eggs. I don't think it means that you should wait 3 months until you have sex.
~When I started taking it, I was irritable and moody. I gained a little weight, but all of those side effects were worth it to me. I finally had lighter periods that were more predictable. I also had less cramps and my other physical pains (breast tenderness, backaches, etc.) were lessened.
I hope this was helpful to you. Kudos to you for wanting to be more informed and for practicing safe sex! Good luck and be careful. :-)

2007-02-09 20:25:41 · answer #2 · answered by YSIC 7 · 0 0

I was really moody when i started taking the pill. I had about three nights in a row experiencing a severly depressed mood (not depression) I didn't gain weight but my breasts got a lot bigger and were really tender for about a month.
You don't have to wait three months just makes sure you use appropriate protection. But you should always use other protection as well, because nothing is one hundred percent guaranteed.

2007-02-09 20:13:47 · answer #3 · answered by jo 5 · 0 0

You should still use a condom. I got preg. with my three kids while I was on the pill. You also should expect some facial hair, weight gain, and a missed period at the begiining. I hope this helps.

2007-02-09 20:25:20 · answer #4 · answered by bandtarndt 2 · 0 0

Samantha, Everyone is different, Don't worry about it until you need to, I am sure everything will be fine, you can always Quit taking them. they are safe. just don't take them the rest of your life. Worring about it will cause more harm. Good luck.

2007-02-09 20:33:28 · answer #5 · answered by snowflake 2 · 0 0

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