Yeah, I was kind of thinking it is probably leftover blood, too.
But if you know it isn't that (and you shouldn't be getting that for more than a few days after your period), go see a doctor, especially if it smells. You might have an infection. If you go to the doctor, they will probably do a pap smear. It's a little uncomfortable, but it doesn't hurt. Just ask them to use the small forceps. If you do have an infection, you will probably be prescribed some kind of antibiotic, which might be either pills or a cream. Don't put it off, because if you have an infection, it will only get worse and you don't want it to cause you problems down the road.
2007-02-09 11:16:05
answer #1
answered by Venin_Noir 3
Kimm, do not hassle, this discharge is frequent in females starting up at puberty. it is your vaginas way of self cleansing. This vaginal discharge will take position by potential of itself yet you should use a panty liner to maintain your undergarments sparkling in case you need. there is no longer something else to do and the in uncomplicated words time you may want to truly be worried is that if that discharge turns an astonishing colour, has a nasty scent or a thick texture to it. At that aspect it would want to be considered a venture that you may want to take in with a well being care specialist (bacterial or yeast an infection takes position with none sexual sex). So for on the prompt, basically relax, there is no longer something incorrect with you.
2016-10-17 06:16:30
answer #2
answered by ? 4
It is probably a yeast infection or bladder infection, I've had them
both at one time, but it is imperitive to go to the Dr. as you could
be harming yourself down there. I got 1 Pill for both infections. I
never heard of that before, however technology has come a long
way, Please stop thinking the worst, think positive and get off r
butt and go. You Know this can't continue! And at the last resort
it's a S.T.D. you HAVE to as some r fatal!!!! Please just go as it
won't go away on it's own. Take r best friend 4 moral support.
Good Luck, Summer
2007-02-09 12:11:44
answer #3
answered by Diana D 5
First of all, have you had your very first menstrual cycle? If not, that could be an explanation.
I know it's scary, but your body is talking to you, and it is important that you get this resolved now before it's too late!
It's probably nothing... trust me weird things happen to our bodies while we're growing up, especially in women. But it's better to be safe than sorry!
Please talk to your mom. If you can't talk to her, see the school nurse, or a friend's parent if you are close to them. You can also contact your local Planned Parenthood office (just google them) - you can get a free exam.
2007-02-09 11:40:41
answer #4
answered by LydonPuggles 2
Maybe you have a yeast infection come from taking tub baths try taking showers but you still need to go to the Dr.for some Flagyl.
2007-02-09 13:00:09
answer #5
answered by netta2 1
Have you begun your menstrual cycle?
It takes time for the cycles to become normal.
The brown smelly stuff is old blood being sluffed off your uterine lining. It's normal. Wear a panty liner.
2007-02-09 11:21:40
answer #6
answered by 7
take a deep breath and relax. it's just leftover brown discharge from your period
2007-02-09 12:42:03
answer #7
answered by laura s 2
If you've had your period recentley, it can just be old blood that is coming out.
2007-02-09 11:08:15
answer #8
answered by Anonymous