Absolutely in need of a nose piercing! Great freckles and incredible eyes...
If you're going to get a lip piercing, which is hot, by the way, then either go labret (center bottom) or a side lower lip. Hell, jump in and get both sides on the bottom (snakebites).
Either way, your piercing will be hot :)
2007-02-12 15:11:30
answer #1
answered by Rob 3
Bottom lower corner, definetly.
The monroe is (believe it or not) a really hard piercing to wear.
And from experience, it's really annoying to eat with for the first few months. My bottom lip has never given me any trouble. =)
2007-02-09 18:56:25
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
the monroe one is so overdone...
go for the bottom lower corner
I think a nose piercing would look cute on you too! :)
Whichever one you get, make sure you go to a real piercing place that uses needles. They can't properly clean the piercing "guns" they use at stores in the mall.
Good luck! :)
2007-02-09 18:58:45
answer #3
answered by AnswerGirl 2
Bottom judging from your picture. I think the bottom lip pierced looks better most of the time actually.
Honestly though I think you would look better without facial piercing or maybe a small hoop or stud in your nose.
2007-02-09 18:56:13
answer #4
answered by Matt 3
ya you are pretty the way you are....i think you would look better with the lower corner of my lip because your mouth is close to your nose....but i do think a nose peircing would look really good on you to
2007-02-09 19:35:40
answer #5
answered by blondie27 2
I would go with lower corner
2007-02-09 19:09:13
answer #6
answered by Ashley 2
oh i really dont know. u look great with either one, but u look better with the lower lip one. u have more of a unique style! so this will make u stand out!good luck!:)
2007-02-09 19:22:15
answer #7
answered by Edina 1
you look cute the way you are. but i would go with bottom lower corner
2007-02-09 18:54:55
answer #8
answered by Jae Lynn 4
do the upper. i think it is sooooo cute. and you totally have the perfect face for it. just get a plain silver stud tho. so it doesn't look like a wart. good luck!
2007-02-09 19:12:37
answer #9
answered by Brandi B 2
well i dont think you need one but if you are getting one id go with the one on the upper lip good luck
2007-02-09 20:10:10
answer #10
answered by advise_gal 4