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Why do conservatives say they're christian when this truth exists:

"I strongly disapprove of Bush's job and policies because he has violated every commandment that the Bible has in it. I don't know what God he has been talking to but I can't believe God has given GWB a pass on every commandment in the Bible.
Thou shalt not bear false witness: He lied to congress and the American people about Iraq's involvement with 9/11 and he lied about WMD's and cooked the books on intelligence.
Thou shalt not steal: Billions of dollars are missing from our Pentagon that went to fraudulent contractors and Bush pals.
Thou shalt not kill: over 600,000 dead Iraqies and over 3000 dead Americans as a result of this war base on lies
Thou shalt not disobey thy father and mother: GWB was told by his father not to invade and occupy Iraq.
Thou shalt not covet: Why are we in Iraq? We covet their oil and want to steal it."

Please answer my conserv hypocrits.

2007-02-09 10:40:47 · 18 answers · asked by jpferrierjr 4 in Politics & Government Politics

John16.....I'm not a democrat. Think before the fingers type my friend. It's just a question.

2007-02-09 10:49:17 · update #1

OH and I'm not religious either. I just don't like hypocrits.

2007-02-09 10:50:35 · update #2

asmith...Im in the military, it's not beyond my comprehension. I never said ALL conservatives and the numbers are not off. My job allows me to know that.

2007-02-09 10:53:23 · update #3

Whootziedude..look up Scooter Libby. He and many other CIA operatives along with MI6 operatives have come out and said that war is based on false pretense. There's some proof for you.

2007-02-09 10:55:45 · update #4

Richard S....The US already has a deal with Saudi Arabia and utah and alaska are ours so, I doubt strongly, we'll invade our own country

2007-02-09 10:58:02 · update #5

Nationalist....He knew there was no WMD's and don't ask me to prove it as you conservs do. look it up, him and tony blair discussed it.
An eye for an eye would leave the world blind and Iraq didnt have anything to do with the towers.
And, yes Hussein was bad, but if you want to be technical, Bush is actually the Darker version of Hitler. We're the one's taking over, not Hussein. And don't refer to Desert Storm, that was over more than I'm sure you know.

2007-02-09 11:02:47 · update #6

freeatlast2200...I also go to Iraq, in fact I'll be going back in august. Like I said before, I'm not a democrat or a conserv. And yes I do see it as a mortal sin.

2007-02-09 11:05:17 · update #7

Bopoppa...I am atheist, I have no problem killing someone, and I do tell them how I feel and surprising enough, a lot of them feel the same.

2007-02-09 11:25:14 · update #8

18 answers

God..!! How refreshing..!! intellect...intelligence, open minded...available for discussion [email open].. articulate..passionate..honest.. are you being payed to be here with the rest of us, or what..?
my answer:..religons..regardless of there doctrines or dogmas, are so convoluted with interpretive congestion they are more hindrance than improvement to humanity. Unlike every thing in nature, religons seem intent on remaining in the first century. Evolution is natures way of matureing, and humanity is evolveing as is everything else, regardless of them [religons]. Forgive them, ...they know not what they are doing.
We as humanity, arent very astute, spiritually, actually. We seem more materalistic, than any thing else.
But ...what do I know,..i just live as i am abel. Good point... it made me think.

2007-02-09 11:17:23 · answer #1 · answered by olddogwatchin 5 · 4 4

For every phrase in the Bible you use to judge President Bush, I can find ones that back him. There is nothing worst than people with little or no knowledge of the Bible using it to push their agenda. Whats worst is when you attach unsubstainiated opinions to one area where one doesn't have anything to do with the other. I would imagine if there is proof out there that Bush lied, we would already have seen it. If it exist and comes out then maybe you would have some sort of point. If you are not religious, why would anyone breaking the ten commandments bother you. If you truly are in the service and feel so strongly about our Commander in Chief, please get on your internal email and let your chain of command know how you feel. Don't hold back. I'm sure your high morales and proven facts will get you through any NJP or court martial.

Edit: Again, you say you are not religious, but you keep passing moral judgements. Now you are doing it against your "so called" fellow soldiers. If you really are a soldier then I feel bad for your other unit members. Who could trust you? IF you are a solder you need to let your unit know how you feel or do you lack the moral courage? They at least have the right not to have YOU watching their back.

2007-02-09 19:08:29 · answer #2 · answered by bopoppa 3 · 4 1

It makes me laugh that all the Congressmen who are complaining that Bush lied to them are doing so. Don't they realize just how stupid they're making themselves look? They had access to the same intelligence he had, and many of its most outspoken advocates then have become raging opponents.

Theft and killing are sort of out -- did Bush do those personally? Prove it.

Disobeying his father? Again, prove it. He's the President! Besides that, he's a big boy and can take care of himself.

Want to steal their oil. Oh, good Lord. If that were true, we would have invaded Saudi Arabia. Or southern Utah, or Alaska... Sorry, but the oil theory holds no water at all -- not with so many substantially more appealing targets in the way.

2007-02-09 18:50:22 · answer #3 · answered by Richard S 5 · 4 4

Why are you attacking all conservatives based on your perceptions of Bush? What Bush has or has not done has no bearing on my being a Christian or a conservative. As for what you believe to be true about Bush, you could certainly say most of it about the Democrats we have had in office (just change the times, places, etc.). So, do you have a beef with Bush because he says he is outspoken about being a Christian but Democrats who aren't as up front about their beliefs get a pass?

BTW My son is in Iraq. He hasn't had to kill anyone but if he does, do you think he has broken a commandment?

2007-02-09 18:52:46 · answer #4 · answered by freeatlast2200 3 · 4 3

I think you need to stop believing in generalizations. Not all Conservatives are Christians. I am an Atheist but I'll answer your question anyway.

Thou shalt not bear false witness: He believed in WMD in Iraq as did everyone else including the U.N. Just because they weren't found doesn't mean they didn't exist either. Try looking in Syria.

Thou salt not steal: Your excuse is vague bunk. Prove it or at least include some sources.

Thou shalt not kill: An eye for an eye

Thou shalt not disobey thy father and mother: Come on retard, do you really want a President who has to check with Mommy and Daddy on the issues?

Thou shalt not covet: That's lame Liberal propaganda. We are in there because the leader that we just removed was darker version of Hitler.

Try again.

Edit: By the way, why are you such a liar? If one looks through your previous Q's and A's two things will be apparent; You make up garbage that is blatent lies (like talking politics with Congressional Reps) and you are using multiple user accounts. Both of these facts boil down to one thing...YOU ARE A LIAR and worse than that you are a flaming Liberal. No one should believe a single word you say.

Edit 2: I see your follow ups. Still vague bunk and claims you refuse to even source. I never referred to Desert Storm as you claim. You are an unintelligent liar.

2007-02-09 18:50:42 · answer #5 · answered by Nationalist 4 · 4 7

Not all conservatives are Christians just like not all liberals are Christians. You would do well to heed Matthew 7:1-5.

2007-02-09 18:52:16 · answer #6 · answered by bamafannfl 3 · 2 1

I completely agree with you. I myself am not a Democrat or a Republican, or even religious for that matter. I am however a registered voter. I think people should quit labeling themselves as liberal or conservative and picking sides. What people need to do is vote for someone because they believe in the candidates' policies and what they have planned for the U.S. not just because they are Dem or Repub. Regardless of whether their candidate won in the last election or not, we are all living on the same planet.

Why some people who have answered this question feel the need to call names and pick fun, just because someone uses their right as an American citizen to question the administration is beyond me.

*****Thank you for serving in the military for our country, even though you don't agree with what is going on with it. My little brother goes to Baghdad from Korea in June and he is all of 19 years old. I think that people tend to forget that you are serving this country for them, so they can keep their free speach even though they disagree with yours.

2007-02-09 19:33:11 · answer #7 · answered by Rachel T 3 · 1 3

1. This question is a fallacy, because it assumes that all conservatives are Christians, or vice-versa.
2. If you have ever read the text of the bible, you will find more sex, war, and violence than in most books.
3. Everyone knows that the 600,000 number is way of the mark, try dividing that by 5.
4. The reasons for the war are way beyond your reasoning as you prove by your entire question.

Please provide proof for your statements then!!!!!!!!

2007-02-09 18:47:33 · answer #8 · answered by asmith1022_2006 5 · 4 5

Because their "christianity" is a sham. Much like most Christians.

Religions, such as Christianity, have long been a way to control the masses. The people in charge (Bush et al) don't follow any of that and think that their followers (the non-rich "conservatives) are morons.

That's why he always has that chimpy grin on his face. It's the look any con man gets when he's completed a successful con-job. And boy, have he and his rich buddies been successful or what? They're turning this country into rich people and poor people, just as they've wanted. Power in the hands of the rich, and nothing for the rest of us.

2007-02-09 18:47:18 · answer #9 · answered by Cerulean 3 · 7 6

Why do you assume that all Conservatives support Bush? Why do you call all Conservatives hypocrites and why do you ask the same old tired questions? Yawn, Yawn and Yawn. Try growing an imagination next time.

2007-02-09 18:56:00 · answer #10 · answered by Ethan M 5 · 5 3

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