Southern Pride,
2007-02-09 10:30:29
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
It depends upon which Confederate Flag you are talking about. The Stars and Bars, which was the official flag of the Confederacy, can be proudly flown as a symbol of Southern heritage. I have seen it done so in different places in the South, especially west of the Mississippi River.
The battle flag of the Army of Northern Virginia, on the other hand, was used after the Civil War by the Ku Klux Klan as a symbol of oppression and racism. It is this flag, with its red background and blue St. Andrew's cross, that is, in my mind, a symbol of racism and bigotry. The ONLY time this flag could ever be considered a symbol of Southern history would be if it were being used by a reenactor's unit that was, historically, linked to the Army of Northern Virginia.
2007-02-09 10:49:08
answer #2
answered by KCBA 5
The Confederate Battle Flag is a symbol only of the Army of Northern Virginia . It has become the symbol of the south. I honor that flag for the men who fought and died under it for the ideas they believed in. I spit on those people who defile it by using it to symbolize the KKK and White Supremacy.
Slavery was only one small reason fort the War between the States.
2007-02-09 11:00:34
answer #3
answered by redgriffin728 6
The Confederate flag is the only one I know of where the side that lost the war and knows they lost the war continues to wave it as though it stands for something triumphant. Part of this has to do with the rotten way then end of the war was handled (compare it to Germany after WWI which led to Hitler) and part has to do with the division between different attitudes as to what the war was about "states rights" vs "slavery". And then, whatever else was going on, the increased recognition of the "*****/Black/African-American" rights by the Federal Government during and after WWII, caused insecure people who needed someone to oppress to ram through the use of the Confederate flag as part of state flags, inventing a "tradition" that didn't exist before.
2007-02-09 10:41:45
answer #4
answered by Mike1942f 7
It may have, at one time, been a war rallying symbol for confederate soldiers, many of whom didn't own slaves and were fighting to protect their homes, states and way of life.
However, it has been hijacked by people who've used it in demonstrations of discrimination, such as the Klan, the flag over the SC Capitol, etc. - People who honestly believe discrimination is wrong should probably find another symbol to show their southern pride.
It's like the swastika. It was, at one time, a legitimate symbol. But after the Nazis hijacked it for their use, it carried too negative a connotation to continue to have the legitimate use.
Those are my two cents.
I'm not a born Southerner, but I've lived in three southern states.
2007-02-09 10:32:26
answer #5
answered by Jeffrey 2
The flag in and of it self represents rebellion.
However as the Klan, and like minded(Brain Dead Jackholes)tend to be born out of the same region in which the Flag originated they co-opt into their ideas and use it as well. This leads to the association of the Flag with BDJs. This is much like the Swastika or crooked cross, which have separate and distinct meanings within the Church, native Americans as well as India and neighboring regions. It too was adopted by the Nazi's(the biggest BDJs and is now primarily associated with them,and not the intended meanings still held in some parts of the world. recently a local church which featured crooked crosses on decorative tiles inlaid into the brick work(which dated back to the late 1800's) gave in to pressure from the PC patrol and removed the tiles and replaced them. to the PC patrol...
It sucks, and its sad, that people were oppressed and victimized by others using these symbols, and hiding behind what they claimed was a faith and heritage that some may actually hold true.Do not dare to judge me mine as one of them. The history of this world expands beyond the past hundred and fifty years. What you claim as shielding us from hate by banning these and other symbols you deem offensive is nothing more than censorship.
The world we live in today is not the product of daffodils and puppies and hugs for everyone. All that we have today is because of the violence and rage and hate and pride and sacrifice by men and women waving countless flags and swearing faith to deities we don't dare concieve of or chalk up to mythology. War is hell. Hate is wrong. Life sucks. But telling someone that that they can't do, or think, something because it might offend someone, That is facism. You want to hate me, you want to hate people of another land or another god, that is your right as a human being. But so help me, you act upon that hate and try to Kill, I will cast aside any tolerance, take up arms and I'll kill you back. For good to be recognized, evil must also exist, if only as the shadow which makes the sunlight so grand. To stifle and hide that which makes us Human, our emotions, is to destroy us one peace at a time. It is not a coincidence that its the generation raised on Barney the dinosaur that is also the generation of the school shooting.
2007-02-09 11:03:58
answer #6
answered by janssen411 6
I believe that it symbolizes a noble attempt to preserve a way of life, even if that way of life was dependent on slavery, which I am strongly against. I think it is a piece of American history that shouldn't be forgotten, because it is a side of the American Civil War that we don't usually think about. It's amazing to think of how life might be like today, had the Confederate States of America won that war. I also think that you have to be able to see both sides of things, even if you think one side is wrong, in order to have a decent opinion.
2007-02-09 10:48:15
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
The Confederate Flag is part of everybodys history. It represented the South. Evidentally you havent been studying your History.
2007-02-09 10:33:22
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
First of all, I don't that flag or any other both me nor do any of them define me.
One nut job(Stupid *****) wrote how slavery is dead and in the past. He needs to wake up and realize it is still a sensitive issue, because the abolishment was a compromise and not a solution. Abraham Lincoln is not hero in my book, he just placed a band-aid on the situation. He also used the term *****(spelled it wrong) without knowing that the world is an old Spanish word meaning "Black Object." Even blacks shouldn't use it, but we stupidly do.
Worshipers of the flag play that," it doesn't stand for hate crap", yet you never see or hear of them going after hate groups that use it for that very purpose. I guess the brainwashing will continue.
I tried to register for the Sons of Confederates Conference held in Virginia each year, but was refused, because I was black. Until I see an example(s) reflecting it not being symbol of hate, treason, and mutany to the US, it will remain a symbol of hate in disguise.
2007-02-09 11:18:57
answer #9
answered by BionicNahlege 5
To the uneducated it means nothing but racisum.But to the people who know history there is more to it than that,It must be remembered also for the brave men who died fighting for it in the civil war.I am not a confederate sympathizer.I think there leaders and the southern gentry were traitors to old glory.But the men who fought for the south were brave and must be honored.
2007-02-09 20:46:24
answer #10
answered by Hector 4
The Rebel Spirit
2007-02-09 10:34:07
answer #11
answered by colorados_lost_rose 3