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ok so my last period started around the 8th of january shouldnt i have my period by now, i mean i have all the singhs and the pain but no period i have never been late beofore help?

2007-02-09 09:43:40 · 6 answers · asked by xxheaven 1 in Health Women's Health

this is not my first period i am nearly 15 and have had my period for 2 years

2007-02-09 10:08:52 · update #1

6 answers

It could take a while for you to get regulated. Also stress can play a factor in your period. It could cause it to be irregular. As long as you havent had unprotected sex you should be fine.

2007-02-09 10:03:00 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Just wait a while ( I know this is hard ) but I have had up to 5 weeks between the start of my periods.

2007-02-09 09:51:51 · answer #2 · answered by artbyheather04 3 · 0 0

ok. you could be pregnant. but if your a virgin then it's just normal. i'm 15 too. an dmy period schedule is whacked. you'll have late periods and early periods. this is just your body changing the schodule. if you haven't had sex there is nothing to worry about. or unless your very ill or very over weight.

2007-02-09 10:11:13 · answer #3 · answered by nona_luvs_you 2 · 0 0

Don't panic,many teens your age,just getting started with your period can have several "false starts". Your body is trying to get itself regulated and that means hormones,and it may take several months. Talk to your Mom or older sister,or even the school nurse to help you get the information you need to understand.Congrat's on becoming a "woman". Take care. SW RNP

2007-02-09 09:51:42 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

dont worry its normal i havint had mine since dec 31 2006 im not worried mine is like that looks like yours is starting to b irregular2 get birth control it will help ps im not on the pill

2007-02-09 09:52:17 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

it's normal................i haven't had mine since september

2007-02-09 10:21:58 · answer #6 · answered by the idiot down the road 4 · 0 0

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