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would it be different if it had been reversed blacks were the slave holders and the whites were slaves???

2007-02-09 09:33:11 · 20 answers · asked by Bewbies 2 in Politics & Government Politics

20 answers

I still have the same answers as last time we need more slaves in the south.We need them to do our biding and do this and do that but black pepopl and white people are the best to have as slaves.Besides they were meant to be slaves, want me to prove it to you, look at their skin color, they bare darker, they can handle the sun better.So ******* and crackers get ready for it, you will be slaves again, as long as people like me exist you will become slaves again.

2007-02-09 09:45:09 · answer #1 · answered by elizabeth a 1 · 0 8

Wow the use of crakers as a deragatory term against white europeans's. Nice, what is this 1982. What B.S. disfranchisement is going on now that has to be taken out on the people that have personally done nothing to you. You tell your brother he has a spec in his eye all the while you have a plank in your eyes. You do realise that the sins of the father work both ways. You can not defeat a Monster by becoming the Monster. Then who will righteously or (self-righteously, as in the case of this ridiculous topic) slay the new Monster?

2007-02-09 18:21:38 · answer #2 · answered by Just_A_Bill 2 · 0 0

Hmmmm. Not very educated on slavery?

There were black slave holders in the United States, although they were few and far between. The majority of slave holders in Africa were black and kept "white" slaves as well as black slaves.

This is the primary reason blacks could be slaves in the United States. In Africa slavery was a common and accepted part of the culture, just as it had been in Europe for centuries.

The odds are that everyone living in the United States is descended from a slave somewhere in their genealogy. The main difference is that most blacks in the United States have a more recent slavery genealogy than most whites and this is because the culture of slavery is more recent in Africa than it is in Europe.

Another huge problem in the United States is the way the Democrats supported slavery and opposed civil rights for so many hundreds of years. Democratic party damage control propagandizes this away by calling pro-slavery democrats "dixie-crats", however, the riots against the civil war and pro-slavery attitude in New York City during the civil war are proof to any one who studies that it was not just the south that enjoyed the "benefits" of slavery. The so called "draft riots" where blacks were rounded up and lynched by mobs in New York city are a perfect example of the Democratic oppression of minorities during the Civil War.

Andrew Johnson, a Democrat, who was vice president to Abraham Lincoln vetoed the Freedman's bill, the original civil rights act and abused his authority as President so badly he was impeached. The Vice President used to be selected by voting, the person with the second most votes became vice president. The person who won became president.

Most teachers don't teach things like this because it does not fit with their politics.

Pretty simple to identify the politics of Democrats and Republicans in the Civil War by reading the letters of Secession from the states, especially Georgia and reports from the "draft riots" (damage control propaganda if I ever heard it!).

2007-02-09 17:56:08 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

I am a Jew and we were slaves of the Africans, it was just longer ago. You have to realize darling that Slavery ended less then five generations ago in America, the kids you know today had grand parents that were not allowed to drink out of the same water fountains as your grand parents. Rosa Parks the lady who refused to move to the back of the bus only died three years ago. Give people time to get their culture out of the former slave mentality, help end racism by not allowing yourself to be racist. Prejudice is judging something or someone before you know anything about them or it. It is as stupid as it sounds. Compassion is the highest of human attributes.

2007-02-09 17:45:05 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

My ancestors (Irish rebels) were brought to the Penal Colony of Georgia by Lord James Oglethorpe of the English Nobility. They were not allowed to make a new home. They were there to serve the Crown until they died, and maybe, if they were lucky their children would have been able to buy their freedom. Slavery is slavery. It doesn't matter what color a man or woman's skin is. It's sad. Also, I don't apreciate your use of the racial slur "cracker." I don't use racial slurs against others, so why should I have to accept yours?

2007-02-09 17:48:31 · answer #5 · answered by sjsosullivan 5 · 2 0

I'm honestly sick and tired of black people complaining all of the time about them their great great great great great grandaddys being slaved by the white man,these people truly need a history lesson,it was the black people that was capturing the other blacks just for a little bit of money,hmmm sounds like blacks today? I am really not afraid of offending anyone.And yeah it would have been different because the white people wouldn't still be complaining abotu it today.Have u ever noticed if u call a white person a cracker its cool we dont care,u call a ni gger(oops I mean African American) a ni gger they get mad and often kill people over it but if they call each other that then its all ok,hmmm sounds to me like they are the ones being racist.

2007-02-09 17:45:04 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

Actually years and years ago egyptians had many slaves including those of white descent. Slavery wasn't about a race thing, they didn't pick black people cause of the color of their skin. Remember Spanish and English colonists enslaved Native Americans and they weren't black.

2007-02-09 17:39:17 · answer #7 · answered by BluLizard 3 · 2 0

Nah! It'd probably be the same. We'd be bit$%^% about how we'd been kept down for the last 140 years and blaming everything on somebody else.
The only thing that would be different is we wouldn't know what to call those tasty little snacks we put under our cheese.
Please move on and enjoy the fruits of their labor. It was wrong.
It's history.

2007-02-09 17:53:39 · answer #8 · answered by David L 4 · 2 0

I will trade a few crackers for a few slaves, but your not taking my Ritz crackers

2007-02-09 17:38:39 · answer #9 · answered by Captain Planet 2 · 4 0

sounds like some one woke up on the wrong side of the plantation.

besides Africans still can stop tigers from taking their babies, how are they suppose to stop D'Man

furthermore, why use a derogatory term like "cracker" to make a weak point. the militant black movement stopped when sharpton lost the jumpsuit. the cycle of intolerance will continue by you using "Cracker" and me using the "N" word ( I would use it but then my post would be taken off - Yahoo answers hypocrites

2007-02-09 17:43:18 · answer #10 · answered by JJ 2 · 4 2

That's called West Africa you twit...and besides, who caught all those blacks in Africa or do you think white guys were faster back then....now your history before you come to play in this game sweetheart.

2007-02-09 17:37:45 · answer #11 · answered by bigbro3006 3 · 4 0

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