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A friend's menstruation ceases for a month(s) or it becomes irregular after taking certain medications, like an asthma drug containing prednisone(a steroid). Would a phenylpropanolamine med do the same? She recently took about 5phenylpropanolamine tablets in about 1-2weeks' time of having cough/colds; coincidentally, her expected menstruation did not come.Any correlation? Thanks!!

2007-02-09 09:20:15 · 1 answers · asked by rev 2 in Health Women's Health

1 answers

It is probably not the medication (phenylpropanolamine) causing her menstural irregularities but the illness itself. A female's periods are affected by illness, stress, weight changes, excessive exercise, etc. Some medications can cause issues but not usually those for colds and coughs (phenylpropanolamine). Now, that being said, prednisone is one of the medications that can cause irregularities with a menstrual cycle.

2007-02-09 13:23:47 · answer #1 · answered by ilse72 7 · 4 0

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