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well im 15 to start off with and I still feel really young. But all the kids at my school have already slept with someone. and its not that i feel left out its that i feel like im being rushed to grow up really fast. and I dont know. did you wish you woulda waited after you did it? advice pleaseee!

2007-02-09 07:55:07 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Women's Health

10 answers

i was your age when i lost it and i DO regret it
u should wait dont b rushed

2007-02-09 10:12:42 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Wait, Till Your Older. Its The Best Thing To Do. Dont Let Other Kids Pressure You Into To Having Sex. My Cousin Went Through The Same Thing And Ended Up Having A Baby. Then Didnt Know Who The Father Was. My Advice Dont Do It.

2007-02-09 16:02:15 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

stay tru to yourself and dont let others rush u. im 14 and i feel like the worlds going to fast =)

also a lot of people may say they have slept with someone just to get attention. im sure that not everyone at your school have slept with someone...

take your time, enjoy being young, wait until you find the right person. your virginity is something to be proud of =) if you dont feel ready then its ok to wait

2007-02-09 16:04:45 · answer #3 · answered by <3 3 · 1 0

Wait... my first time sucked and looking back on it, I really wish I would have waited-- and the guy I was w/ I had been w/ for a year (at 15/ 16- the age I was- a year seems like a really long relationship!!) I realized afterwards that he really didn't care for me the way I did for him and we broke up shortly after that--- You'll want the first one to be special... and you'll be glad you waited for him when he shows up-- cuz you'll have something wonderful to offer- other than just being a great person!

2007-02-09 16:04:17 · answer #4 · answered by Bio Instructor 4 · 1 0

You may want to consider this option:

Maybe all your friends are saying that they have had sex because they do not want to be the only one who hasn't when in fact only a small number of your friends have actually had intercourse.

Your friends might not want to be singled out as a virgin so they say things that lead you to assume they have done it. They use non-descriptive terms like "hooked-up" and exaggerate experiences.

This peer pressure then leads 15 years olds to have sex and then they realize that most friends are in fact waiting and it closes some doors in your future and changes what could be a very special experience when you're older.

2007-02-09 16:08:12 · answer #5 · answered by Drdrew 2 · 1 0

Yes, I wish I had waited. It brings up a whole new set of problems and worries when you start having sex at a young age. Don't rush, there is no hurry to have sex. Young people are more likely to engage in risky behavior and contract and spread STD's and get pregnant.

2007-02-09 16:01:19 · answer #6 · answered by dragonkisses 5 · 1 0

WAIT as long as you can. Sex is a very personal an important thing, not to be taken lightly! Your friends may be in a world or hurt later in their lives when they see the mistake they made. Try to save yourself for your husband!

2007-02-09 16:02:46 · answer #7 · answered by LP 2 · 1 0

Dont do what the other kids doing, trust your instinct.
Yeah, i wished i had waited til i was older and more wise.
Wait for the right chemistry, cupid will make it happen.

2007-02-09 15:59:43 · answer #8 · answered by sunflare63 7 · 1 0

dont just do it because everyone else is. most of them are probably lying. i think you would just regret it later if you did it to be like everyone else. just wait until you are ready.

2007-02-09 16:07:18 · answer #9 · answered by lilcutie8899 4 · 1 0

your still young and please don't let any of your friends pressure you into having sex. wait until your older. your will be glad you did

2007-02-09 15:59:12 · answer #10 · answered by glamour04111 7 · 1 0

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