almost three years ago i was diagnosed with endometriosis. it started off really painful but they put me on the depot birth control shot to help with it. since jan 2005 i have had 4 surgeries to scrape out my ovaries. the doctors thought that with all the surgeries on my ovaries and on my cervix to get rid of the cancer there, that i couldn't have kids. well last june i gave birth to my lil midget,she is my miracle baby. my doctor said that almost all women who have endometriosis don't get it back after they have kids. a month after i had my daughter i was back in the er because the pain was back. it's not just slight pain either it is so bad my whole body curls up and i can't move until the pain is gone. now they have me on the hormone therapy to help stop more from growing but i am still having excrutiating pains. it's just gotten worse over the years and i am at my wits end. after three years of intense pain to the point i was perscribed 750mg vicodins and that didn't help.
4 answers
asked by
➔ Women's Health
well i am now on darvacets and they don't even help. i have been trying to find someone who has been through this or is going through this and i have not had any luck. i just want to know that i am not alone in this and what has happened with other people who have overcome this or been through it.
07:41:07 ·
update #1
thank you for those who have answered already, it does help. but mine is located in my ovaries.
07:55:07 ·
update #2
unfortunately they won't even take out my ovaries even though i have my tubes tied and won't have another kid due to my traumatic high risk pregnancy. only because i am going to be 22.
08:04:54 ·
update #3