Eat a lot and don't exercise.
2007-02-09 07:21:20
answer #1
answered by Adrianna 2
Have larger size helpings of food at meals and keep nutritious snacks readily available. Proteins are required for building muscles, so having high protein food like eggs, milk, peanut butter, protein shakes will help you in gaining weight. Starchy foods contain a lot of carbohydrates. Check this out
2007-02-13 11:18:23
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
You want to gain more muscle than fat (unless you're REALLY skinny!). The optimum fat% for women is around 12% and 8-10% for men. Most Americans are WAY over that! Also, avoid too much sugar, because even skinny people can get diabetes this way.
Exercise (esp. lift weights!), eat lots of protein, nuts, legumes (peas, beans), veggies and whole grains. You can afford cheese (also high in protein and calcium for your bones), but when you reach your ideal weight, cut back on cheese and stick to milk.
Fruit is good for certain vitamins and for energy, esp. if you're exercising, but avoid it in large quantities, for the same reason as avoiding too much sugar.
For more info on diet to gain weight, see the site below. If you DO seek info on the Internet, beware of sites that masquerade as help sites but are really just trying to sell you pills!
2007-02-09 15:30:11
answer #3
answered by SieglindeDieNibelunge 5
Gain weight properly. Eat nutrious meals that include all the food groups. Meats and starchy foods, specifically, but don't skip on the fruit's and veggies or you'll be missing a whole lot of nutrients your body needs to stay healthy.
2007-02-09 15:26:38
answer #4
answered by p00mkin 2
Use the protein shakes my boyfriend uses them all the time cus they help him gain weight although they taste foul they do actually work
2007-02-09 15:23:26
answer #5
answered by emily19xx 2
eat more. Drink more. have more snacks during the day. fill yourself up with food!!!!! not too much though then you'll ask how to lose weight
2007-02-09 15:21:57
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Eat a lot of junk food.
2007-02-09 15:21:43
answer #7
answered by Will S 2
Start drinking beer, then late at night make yourself eggs and bacon with toast and hashbrowns.....or just get married.
2007-02-09 15:25:33
answer #8
answered by jenn 2
eat fastfood as breakfast
and chocolate and ice cream all day
and juicy steak as lunch
and dessert as dinner
2007-02-09 15:22:54
answer #9
answered by mimi199331 2