Because the bleeding-heart liberals think they have the right to dictate their view point on everybody else - the sanctimonious twats!
2007-02-09 07:17:37
answer #1
answered by the real swiss tony 2
The Duke of Wellington was quoted as saying the battle of Waterloo,"was won on the playing fields of Eton".
Suggesting the ethos and discipline of the tough competitive games and sports were not lost on the young officers.
The victorians ,arguably the most successful era and probably the most successful people in history.
The morals and standards they set paved the way to the glorious british empire.
So ,I ask,did the Victorians spare the rod?Not for a minute do I suggest that all the merits of the industrial revolution were based upon child battery.But,the general level of discipline ,expectations and standards was much higher then than now.
No child is expected to be answerable anymore.They are taught that winning isnt as important as taking part.Their fertile minds are indoctrinated with the belief that fighting is wrong,even if that means standing by doing nothing while evil thrives.
Of course we can blame the loony left government and councils for this freefall into self destruction.
My answer is ,stand up for what you believe.Risk being ostracized,arrested or fired.We are many .We can show that coomon sense will conquer political correctness,just remember Wellingtons achievements and then compare them to ...Blairs!
2007-02-09 07:45:50
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I believe that if you raise a child with consistent boundaries smacking should be unnecessary. It is a psychological fact that it is not the severity of the punishment that curbs behaviour, it is the certainty of it. If your child knows there will be consequences for its actions, it will be less inclined to misbehave. Most bad behaviour is simple attention seeking. We need to show children that they will not get what they want from behaving badly but from showing positive behaviour. Smacking just shows a child that violence is OK.
Having said that, I believe it is better to lightly smack a child now and then than to simply ignore bad behaviour. I work at a school and believe me, you can tell some of those kids have never heard the word "no". The trouble is that society has shot itself in the foot by going to another extreme - political correctness. Kids today are not "naughty", they have a "behaviour and social emotional difficulty". Now kids are all too aware that their parents and teachers are powerless against them. They have no sense of what is appropriate, no shame when they do wrong. If you allow them to get away with murder in their preschool years you set yourself (and teachers like me) up for a lifetime of misery. Ultimately, kids want boundaries, it makes them feel more secure. Parents should stop worrying about methods of punishment and just make sure its consistent.
2007-02-09 07:46:03
answer #3
answered by queenbee 3
I agree, when they are young you set the stage by letting them know there are serious consuquences to their actions.. BUT most eople who smack do not use it as a form of lesson, they use it as a form of child controla nd therefore it is ABUSE. If the parents were smart enough to onluy use it to when they need to seriously get their childs attention then it would be oK, dne from love, but they usually use it cause they do not know how to discipline or get there child to pay attention, which is a result of poor supervision, poor followthrough in child rearing, and then it becomes abusive. If children are taught well and taught they will need to be smacked very infreqwuently to never... so those that smakc alot are causeing more peoblems then they are fixing by smacking
2007-02-09 07:32:33
answer #4
answered by drjen 3
I agree with you. If you let a child go crazy, and do what ever they will, they soon loss respect for you and others. There was once a day when a parent could correct their kid in public, and no one said a thing, sometimes they would applauded it! I remember when I was a kid and having a neighbor take me by the ear, and taking me home telling my parents what I done wrong. Sometimes I would get a swatting from them, and then again from my Mom and Dad! I one time had my pants pulled down, right in the middle of a store, and got a blistering! Very embarrassing!!! Didn't do that again!
2007-02-09 07:28:25
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
And, yes, I think if YOU misbehaved you too should be smacked -- not brutalized, mind you, but a good cuff around the ears might knock some sense into you too!
If you think this sounds ridiculous -- or worse, offensive, I suggest you go back and read what you just wrote.
Enough said.
Just because they are your children does NOT give you the right to assault them.
2007-02-09 07:35:33
answer #6
answered by pat z 7
i was smacked as a child and it has no effect on me, but i dont smack my children i dont need to ,they know right from wrong,but i hate it when they tell you, you cant smack your own child ,not even parents have any rights anymore.
2007-02-09 07:27:05
answer #7
answered by Jaz 6
i believe and shall beat a child if he or she mis behave but only by poping on the hand very light while looking at them and the weapon is having them explain why i poped their hand and this hurts them more that a beat down!
2007-02-09 07:18:03
answer #8
answered by wise 5
debate a bit of over reaction to honest child abuse and also exir=tance of alternate forms of discipline
2007-02-09 07:32:07
answer #9
answered by rostov 5
Hitting children is barbaric. We are slowly getting rid of violence to children in this country. Violence breeds violence and if you had suffered like a lot of children have then you will understand that a lot of parents do not know when to stop. Most hit in anger. It is wrong to abuse children with violence of any sort. You do not see animals hitting their young.
2007-02-09 07:20:46
answer #10
answered by Anonymous