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A week ago, the anti-war rally in Washington made headlines across America. Lost in most of the coverage, however, was the complete lack of basic decency displayed by some of these protesters. The anti-war protesters defaced our Capitol by spray-painting graffiti on the Capitol's west terrace.
It never ceases to amaze me how nonpeaceful these so-called peace protesters can be. There is no question that Americans have a constitutional right to peaceably assemble, but when you brazenly deface cherished public property, you are no longer assembling peacefully. You are committing a crime.

2007-02-09 07:11:16 · 17 answers · asked by CaptainObvious 7 in Politics & Government Politics

corollary: why did the prolife march that had MORE people a couple days before not have ANY PROBLEMS?

2007-02-09 07:21:22 · update #1

17 answers

No. Just like it isn't okay for someone to bomb an abortion clinic because they are "pro life".
At that same rally in Washington, one of the so called peace-activists spit at a young disabled vet. How very brave of him, and all for "peace". But I guess it is better that someone shows themselves for what they REALLY are. Cowards, liars and hypocrits.

2007-02-09 07:47:30 · answer #1 · answered by ? 4 · 1 0

None of these protesters today can write a decent political song . Like this old protester said on the news,"Today they lack passion,plus there's no draft ."

2007-02-09 07:22:31 · answer #2 · answered by bugeyes 4 · 2 0

i think of the two your strategies is twisted or your information because of the fact I study the English version of the quran and that i did no longer study something approximately throwing gays off of cliffs,controlling women,killing or enslavement. It says all adult adult males are created equivalent so idk the place enslavement comes from and it says adult adult males are equivalent to women. Hadiths are actually not depended on supplies no longer all muslims keep on with hadith they only keep on with those that comes from the those that have been close to to Muhammad. i would not have confidence Yahoo solutions as a source for a faith so start up looking tips about your very own did you ask a muslim if this became actual? Muhammad suggested Heaven is below your mom's ft so take care of her stunning and with admire so he's assuring to get to heaven be stunning on your mom and with admire. no longer something approximately controlling and he suggested those adult adult males who mistreat there different halves are scum so i think of this proves there no longer against women or controlling

2016-10-01 21:10:50 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

not that I condone defacing the Capitol or the likes.. but protesting for Peace does not mean it has to be a peaceful protest.. much like the republican War for stability in Iraq? they make just as much since.

2007-02-09 07:19:27 · answer #4 · answered by pip 7 · 2 3

I agree. Remember the flower children of the Vietnam War era. Many of those protests were destructive.

2007-02-09 07:19:01 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

How original of you to quote Joe Pitts from Friday Faxline.

Word for word.

Granted, those 50 people were wrong and I agree with you, but when it comes to originality....you lose ALL credibility.

Those 50 people were, what, ......005% of the turnout, right?

Don't make it look like every protester was in on it.

Keep spinnin', Mr. O'Reilly


2007-02-09 07:26:51 · answer #6 · answered by Jake 4 · 1 3

The Constitution guarantees the right to PEACEABLE assemble. No, violent protests are always wrong. When done by "anti war" groups, it really shows their hypocrisy.

2007-02-09 07:18:31 · answer #7 · answered by yupchagee 7 · 3 4

Yes they become criminals. Unfortunately they seem to have a lot of courage when it comes to the mob mentality.

Lets oppose violence in another country by creating it here. Doesn't make a lot of sense does it?

2007-02-09 07:17:34 · answer #8 · answered by snowball45830 5 · 3 1

But most protesters are all over the place. You see signs that have nothing to do with the war. And a lot are just stoners.

2007-02-09 07:17:34 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 4

once again, you're grouping a very small number of people into the whole group. just because a couple of morons decided to do something stupid doesnt put them on the same level as the peaceful ones. its the same as when a few fans of a championship team decide to start trashing streets after the game. that doesnt mean that the teams' entire fan base are thugs does it?

2007-02-09 07:18:02 · answer #10 · answered by 2010 CWS Champs! 3 · 2 4

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