I heard from a friend that if you drink regular milk (not organic)because of the hormones they give to the cows a girl/teen will pick up those homones causing your breasts to get biger.
2007-02-09 07:25:29
answer #1
answered by agirl4god 2
I would get a new doctor! First of all, how does he know how big your breasts "should" be? Breast size is not something you can predict, and there really is no "normal".
There are no foods that promote breast growth. None. Breast size is determined by your DNA and how fat you are. The only way to increase your breast size (without surgery) is by gaining weight. Unfortunately, you'll gain weight everywhere, not just in your breasts. There is no way to gain weight (or lose it, for that matter) in only one specific place.
2007-02-09 06:47:38
answer #2
answered by kris 6
I say go to a different doctor. There is no food that will promote breast development. Genetics will determine what you get unless you are overweight.
2007-02-09 06:46:15
answer #3
answered by Squeegee 5
You must have misunderstood the doctor. There are no foods that help stimulate breast growth.
2007-02-09 06:44:55
answer #4
answered by diannegoodwin@sbcglobal.net 7
Gingseng tea n soy milk. They have estogen in them and that's what promotes breast growth due to the decrease in hormone in our bodies as we get older.
2013-09-25 09:39:02
answer #5
answered by ? 1
This Doctor is a Quack, get rid of him Pronto!!!
How unprofessional could anyone be!
Breasts come in Many Many shapes and sizes.
There is nothing wrong with yours.
He is just a jerk.
2007-02-09 06:50:34
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Since you are 17, your oy opinions are gaining weight, or waiting until you're 18 to get breast implants. No types of foods will make your breasts grow. When you were younger, the fact that your doest was all over the place may have had something to do with little breast tissue growing. But I'm sorry to say that your only natural option is to gain weight. Are the other women in your family bigger than you (all over, not just breast size). In any case, don't stress about it, some Ken love small breasts, and in the long run yours will still be perky whilst your friends with bigger boobs with have them hanging around their belly button.
2016-03-28 23:49:46
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
alot og younger girls are growing brest at early ages due to all the steroids in milk and beef. a friends daughter was 6yrs in kindergarten wearing a bra!! i don't know if thats good or bad. everyone is different,
2007-02-09 07:55:47
answer #8
answered by ☼ utopia ☼ 1
call him and ask
2007-02-09 07:57:16
answer #9
answered by max h 3