Considering the same people who wax poetic over a few cells go berserk when you talk about using birth control and offering birth control counseling, I think you can understand that they wish to use pregnancy as a punishment for sex. There is even a worry that a vaccine (that must be given to prevent cervical cancer before the first sexual experience) will 'encourage wanton behavior'. In nine year olds. Its a crazy world out there and it has everything to do with a twisted perception of sex and a desire to punish women, old and young for engaging in it. Otherwise birth control would be efficient and easy to get, for women as well as men.
2007-02-09 05:31:32
answer #1
answered by justa 7
As usual, here's another collection of "off the beaten path" information:
I have posted here many times that I don't think a woman should be forced legally to carry a pregnancy for one moment longer than she wants to. I just don't see it happening. We would have to put every pregnant woman threatening to get an abortion in preventive detention for nine months! Not everything that is immoral is illegal.
This, I think, answers your main question.
I do also think that any viable fetus should be taken out alive and given all the medical aid we typically give to the people who are already born. (And yes, we do give medical assistance to ANYONE who needs it - people can't be turned away for lack of funds. Unfortunately, the whole hospital ends up closing. But that's another story.) Any agrument that not only the woman should have a right to control her body, but that the woman has a right to destroy a viable human being, is to me absolutely horrific.
Would a woman who died as a result of an illegal abortion designed to kill the fetus, as opposed to removing it alive in a legal and healthy procedure, trouble me less? No one likes to see people in desperate situations die. But some situations involve taking another life, and some do not.
I do think that a parent has a right to know that their minor child is having a medical procedure. Any such law should have a judicial bypass. Yes, a 13 year old would know about it - believe me, Planned Parenthood and other groups would be making it very public. In most cases, the parents should know! Parental notification and CONSENT are required for ear and body piercings. If a minor decides to get one anyway illegally and has health problems (or dies), did the consent law "cause" the problem? Yes, in many ways it's very different. In other ways, it's not.
Finally, just as a matter of science, the invention/discovery of pennicillin and other similar drugs dramatically reduced the mortality rate for illegal abortions in the 1940's and 1950's. It's extremely cold-hearted to mention it, but the deaths were probably cut by this, nore than the legalizing of abbortion. This IN NO WAY minimizes the real TRAUMA of a young woman feeling alone and frightened out of her wits. But I think I can mention it and put it in a context in case it is mentioned elsewhere.
I don't know why this issue is so frequently discussed. I guess it's a good "law school exam" question in terms of rights. But it's easy to spout off here and not have to LIVE the reality.
Education, and really thinking things through, are the answer. Parents, children, men, women, etc.
Sometimes I feel like I'm just marking time until the enevitable evolutionary "correction" takes place. We're one war or epidemic away from a peaceful planet. What a happy thought!
God bless anyone who actually read this far! :)
2007-02-09 14:03:32
answer #2
answered by American citizen and taxpayer 7
How about responsibility for those "bad" decisions? Try birth control, try abstinence. Abortion as birth control is just a bad idea. There are so many other options before you get pregnant.
Maybe the knowledge that an abortion isn't such an "easy" process might discourage youngsters from being so careless.
I'm not standing on moral ground here, as I have no dog in this race other than late term abortion, which I am adamantly against with VERY few exceptions.
Abortion won't go away, society would not allow that now. Regulation of abortion, on the other hand, could use a HARD look.
just my .02
2007-02-09 13:31:11
answer #3
answered by Amer-I-Can 4
I think people need to look at things a little differently:
We all make mistakes and have to deal with consequences in one way or another (whether self-imposed or those imposed by others). I do not believe that the values of another should be forced on anyone.
And no, I do not want to get rid of that protection for women.
I do not approve of those who use abortion as a means of birth control and think that there should be some way to change that.
2007-02-09 13:29:08
answer #4
answered by Unexpectedly George 4
They pick fetuses over live breathing young women.
Liberal morals are Christ's morals - feed the hungry, clothe the naked, focus on the log in your own eye and not the speck in your neighbors, love your enemy, 'cause any old gentile can love their friend. People who find leftist values troublesome is mind boggling,since most consider themselves a Christian. *
By the way, many women did not make a bad decision! They made one to save their lives! Others were to young to make an informed one as all the fascist churches won't let birth control in school. What they want is their cherished goal - a nuclear plant near every city, a uniform on every pupil, a lecture on sexual abstinence in every classroom, a campaign contribution from every business, and a strip mine on every mountain!
2007-02-09 13:44:05
answer #5
answered by cantcu 7
How come the choice is always death to the child? Why can't she give birth and then give the child up for adoption? Why is that never an option? How come this was never an issue that the people could vote on? Why did it have to be forced upon us by the Supreme Court? I know the reasons. Do you?
2007-02-10 00:11:54
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I dont believe in abortion but I dont think it is my choice to make for another person. If all the people who are against it and want to make it illegal want to adopt all these unwanted children or are actually good parents themselves (morally and financially), then they can say whatever they want. But I doubt all these people who hold up signs and protest can actually say they are the perfect parent.
To each there own and leave everyone else alone.
2007-02-09 13:24:34
answer #7
answered by Tink 5
The reality of life is some decisions kill you. For the government to put its stamp of approval on an immoral act is wrong. If she goes to a sterile doctors office or a back alley the repercussions are the same: A baby is dead and it will either get thrown in the garbage at the physicians office or some dumpster in an alley. It is nice that it the one killing it is in a nice white lab coat. The baby didn't have a decision; the woman had a decision to not get pregnant.
2007-02-09 13:29:57
answer #8
answered by Ron P 3
Oh it's not me dear that is 'making' them go to any alley. They would do it of their own free will. I'm not totally against abortion. I will approve of it in several cases, rape, incest, under age, physical health of the mother.
I will approve one abortion by women who make a 'bad' decision-- accompanied by a hysterectomy. Since you want them not to be held responsible for their bad decisions, I must assume you want to prevent them from making the same mistake over and over and over ad infinitum.
2007-02-09 13:35:13
answer #9
answered by namsaev 6
Well said. Abortion has always been a reality, has always been available to those who could afford it. What legalized abortion did was assure those seeking abortion wouldn't have to depend upon coat hangers, back alleys and inept back-street "doctors".
Isn't it odd that many of those "pro-lifers" are for the death penalty?
2007-02-09 13:27:04
answer #10
answered by Anonymous