i too look on the darker side of things as for me it means that nothing worse can happen than what you're thinking of. I suppose it's a sort of safety net.
It used to drive my partner crazy as he's quite cheeful and looks on the brighter side of life. It can't b that bad tho as we've been together 7 years now. He says he just ignores me and wont let it bother him. Perhaps you could try and ignore it yourself xx
2007-02-09 02:32:22
answer #1
answered by skatty 2
Well now Carol T. This is right up my street I was born despised and rejected and went on to learn a lot about the dark side of life. The answer for me was over a long time, I took up reading the Bible and got to know God loves me, through the grace of his son Jesus Christ. since then then i hope I have in proved some what with little or no education to speak of it has been hard and I am always being told of for my bad spelling and grammar and for talking to much and interrupting others.and I was a foul -mouthed young kid and on in to my early 20s and 30s. I am now 67 years old and hope i am improving, but I'm still a learner and i will be for what ever time I have left. so if you are a believer you could do worst than show this answer and then introduce your Friend to Jesus Christ and his word the Bible you have nothing to lose any way. yours in Jesus Christ. I hope this helps. Peter William Lack.
2007-02-09 05:02:35
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Remind him that the anticipation is p[art of the joy (even when it does not always work ou)
The problem with looking on the dark side is that you can fret about mutually opposite possibilities. The worry is not worth it.
Also, being negative can prove to be self-fulfilling. What a waste!
2007-02-09 03:30:09
answer #3
answered by alan h 1
Unfortunately that's the way some people are eg) glass half empty as oppose to half full!
I doubt you'll change his attitude if that's the way he's always been. Try not to let him drag you down with his pessimistic attitude, stay optimistic and hope that some of it rubs off on him!
I do sympathise with you though.
2007-02-09 03:15:11
answer #4
answered by Poppy 4
My mother is like this. My father just tunes her out most of the time. It drives my sister and I nuts though so there are some things we just don't tell her. We think she is suffering from depression, but won't acknowledge it. Maybe your guy is also suffering from depression. Generally, happy people look at the positives in life and work through the negative, but they don't dwell on the negative. Happy people expect another positive thing will happen to them, depressed people don't.
2007-02-09 02:33:03
answer #5
answered by Laoshu Laoshi 5
maximum any coloration might seem ok in my opinion. you are able to attempt a medium tan coloration, like wheat or khaki? A mushy eco-friendly or blue could be surprisingly additionally. Even a buttery yellow. Woodwork form of blends into the room, so rather the opportunities are infinite. Congrats on your new residing house and good luck adorning!
2016-11-02 23:42:48
answer #6
answered by boddie 4
I guess if you look at like that every good thing that happens is a result and if not hes not too dissapionted. Better than taking everything for granted i suppose
2007-02-09 02:34:30
answer #7
answered by cookie 3
Some people are negative like that and it zaps you from feeling positive. I'm guessing their negative because good things rarely come their way or they don't want to get excited or worked up for nothing. They don't like being disappointed.
2007-02-09 02:31:33
answer #8
answered by Got Curves? 6
They're pessimists and most od the time lack confidence and belief in themselves therefore in others too
2007-02-09 02:28:47
answer #9
answered by sbro 4
He is a pessimist you are an optimist .You can but lead by example and refuse to let him get you down.
2007-02-09 02:32:59
answer #10
answered by Xtine 5