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Why do you affiliate with the Republican party? Be specific.

2007-02-08 23:48:58 · 21 answers · asked by btmead21 2 in Politics & Government Politics

I do not need to know that you "are not a republican" or "are a democrat." Please, read the question. Only republicans should be responding to this.

2007-02-08 23:59:58 · update #1

Truth B. Told, you lifted that entire post from Dwayne Alons. Your "highly evolved cerebral cortex' must have evolved for google searches.

2007-02-09 00:05:27 · update #2

Aiminhigh....I was actually asking about the republican party and not a republicanistic form of government, but nonetheless, very nice summation of the latter.

2007-02-09 02:20:43 · update #3

George III, I am actually a republican. Just curious why others are as well.

2007-02-09 02:23:46 · update #4

21 answers

I "affiliate" with the Republican party because I believe in the principles of government laid out by Ronald Reagan.

1) I support a strong national defense and a strong military.

2) I believe that, generally speaking, more government is not the answer, it's the problem.

3) I support fewer taxes and lower income tax rates.

4) Reagan quoted Abraham Lincoln at the 1992 Republican Convention, saying that "You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong. You cannot help the wage earner by pulling down the wage payer. You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich. You cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they could and should do for themselves." He believed that yet another government program wasn't going to solve the problem, no matter what the problem was, and he was right.

These are the main principles that "Reagan conservatives," which I consider myself, stand for. Unfortunately, neither party has done a very good job of sticking to these principles in recent years. Our federal spending habits went through the roof with President Clinton and have skyrocketed into the stratosphere with President George W. Bush.

What it comes down to is that I feel that the most important issue on the table today is how we deal with the Islamofascists who will not be happy until they see the death of America. In my opinion, the Republicans are more interested in stopping them than the Democrats are, and until that changes I will vote Republican.

2007-02-09 00:35:33 · answer #1 · answered by kcbrez009 2 · 2 0

Taking the previous poster's factor that there are not fairly any "leaders" within the Republican Party, there are certainly a couple of of Republicans who've publicly encouraged violence in opposition to the United States executive in a few style or an extra. This is certainly treasonous, mainly whilst it comes no longer from any mere citizen, however from an elected reliable who has sworn an oath to uphold the Constitution. And although it is anecdotal, even supposing an inordinately prime percent of folks at the radical proper flock to Yahoo! Answers, probably the most matters one sees in posts on listed here are very annoying, and probably very unsafe. That such a lot of Americans had been weened off of imperative inspiration and fed propaganda for lengthy sufficient that they're receptive to such radical strategies will certainly have got to be addressed in our society as urgently and significantly as feasible.

2016-09-07 00:38:28 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Republicanism is the ideology of governing a nation as a republic, with an emphasis on liberty and rule by the people. Republicanism always stands in opposition to monarchy, aristocracy, oligarchy and dictatorship. More broadly, it refers to a political system that protects liberty, especially by incorporating a rule of law that cannot be arbitrarily ignored by the government. Much of the literature deals with the issue of what sort of values and behavior by the citizens is necessary if the republic is to survive and flourish; the emphasis has been on widespread citizen participation, civic virtue, and opposition to corruption. (This can also be used in the court of law.) While republicanism is incompatible with a powerful monarchy, scholars point out it is compatible with a constitutional monarch holding symbolic roles (as in modern Britain, Canada and Japan). In recent years Australians have been debating whether their commitment to republicanism is compatible with their status as a constitutional monarchy under Queen Elizabeth II.

Advocates of republicanism argue that it demands a citizenry that puts a premium on civil virtue and opposes corruption. Most authors argue that republicanism is incompatible with office holders using public power for personal gain. [2] Many dictatorships have called themselves "republics," but none ever protected liberty or the rights of their citizens.

Pro Life
Pro Citizen Rights
Pro Free Enterprise
Pro America

Any questions?

2007-02-09 01:14:33 · answer #3 · answered by aiminhigh24u2 6 · 0 0

The Holy Bible,Pro Life,Marriage Between a Man and Woman.
I don't believe in helping people who won't help their selves.
I believe AMERICA is the GREATEST Nation on the Planet and the Protection of her comes 1st and foremost!
I respect the position of the President Republican or Democrat~I think it is disgusting to go to other countries and put down Our country and Our President. I believe anyone who sides with the enemies of Our country should be charged with treason(ANYONE)! I'm sure most dems don't see things as I do.
I am my Fathers Daughter,He was a Republican and a WW11 veteran and hero. That is reason enough for me~

2007-02-09 00:44:22 · answer #4 · answered by Classic96 4 · 0 0

Abortion - killing innocent babies I am against
Socialism never works - turns into totalitarianism - has killed
more people than religion.
Death Penalty - for it . Life is to presous to keep someone alive
who doesn't value it. The biggest problem with
the death penalty is most of them on death row
die of old age.
Pro Consttution - The republuicans seem to have more of the
truth and facts to back up their views. when I
checked as intense into liberal views the lies
scared me.
Anti-Communist= You need Mother Teraesa to give out the
wealth without being greedy and keep it all for
Pro military - Democrats have a usually anti-respect for the
military. Out of the last 8 Presidents Republicans
have 3x the rate of raises.
For School Voucher - If it makes for a better widget to have
competition. Then why don't we want the
best schools. Public Schools cost
average= $14,000
average charter school = $4,000

2007-02-09 00:24:06 · answer #5 · answered by ALunaticFriend 5 · 4 0

OK well actually I am a registered Libertarian.

But I vote Republican most of the time.

This is because the Libertarians rarely are in a position to win or even count.

I believe in government that is limited to its basic functions of protecting liberty - not limiting liberty to achieve someone's social agenda. Both Dems and GOP want to limit liberty in specific ways to achieve a social agenda. The Dems want our money and the GOP wants to regulate our sex lives, specifically to limit homosexuality.

I am not gay. I do make a decent salary and I work hard for it and have worked hard to make this salary, which I didn't always make. I also save and invest.

So, while I think the GOP is wrong to try to limit homosexuals' rights, I'm not gay, and I also think the Dems are wrong to limit economic liberty, and I have and make money. So I have to vote my rights over someone else's. I wish it didn't come down to that but right now it does.

2007-02-09 01:38:52 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I'm a republican because their politics are more inline with mine than the democrats are. I've worked hard, paid my way through college and I'd like to keep as much of my hard earned money as possible. Abortion, tax cuts, economy and capital punishment, just to name a few subjects. I think immigration is a little tougher subject though. I'm anti-illegals and pro-legals. If they're going to be here just do it the right way.

2007-02-09 00:27:13 · answer #7 · answered by Abu 5 · 2 0

Because it is the major party that is closest to the original principles this country was founded on. This includes self determination, creating an environment for growth, and not penalizing people for working hard and being successful. Unfortunately, the dems are leaning towards distribution of wealth, not providing incentives to have a work ethic (entitlements), and penalizing those who are successful. Marx would be proud...

2007-02-08 23:57:39 · answer #8 · answered by P K 3 · 3 1

Great question...here you go:

I believe the strength of our nation lies with the individual and that
each person's dignity, freedom, ability and responsibility must be honored.

I believe in equal rights, equal justice and equal opportunity for all, regardless of race, creed, sex, age or disability.

I believe that free enterprise and the encouragement of individual initiative have brought this nation opportunity, economic growth and prosperity.

I believe government must practice fiscal responsibility
and allow individuals to keep more of the money they earn.

I believe the proper role of government is to provide for the people
only those critical functions that cannot be performed by
individuals or private organizations and that the best
government is that which governs least.

I believe Americans value and should preserve our national strength and pride while working to extend peace, freedom and human rights throughout the world.

I believe in preserving and encouraging family values and common moral decency.

2007-02-09 00:00:21 · answer #9 · answered by Truth B. Told ITS THE ECONOMY STUPID 6 · 5 2

Because Democrats lie, they destroy the Constitution, they are against everything that made this country great, they are appeasers and cowards, and their disgusting adulation of the lying POS Clinton and the fact they support the murdering scumbag drunk Kennedy are enough to keep me away.

I don't even want to get into their politics of personal destruction, their fomenting of class-hatred, their embrace of marxism, and the rest of their socialist beliefs.
[edited for content - sorry!]

2007-02-09 01:40:05 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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