I believe you are talking about the 'home buyers surveys'
I think you will find that these 'information packs' are currently NOT obligational and they also differ in value depending on the size of your home.
They also mean that, if you have one of these surveys done then the purchaser does not have to pay out for their own survey on the property, thus the purchaser is going to save money!!!
However, I am unclear that they only last for 6months - the initial idea was for them to last for 1year, however, you didnt need to have one done unless you were putting your house on the market.
If these ever do become compulsary then I think they will be a good thing, firstly, they only need be done if you are selling your home so its not like every home owner HAS to have one and fork out for it, also, there will be methods in place no doubt for the cost of these surveys to be 'added' into the property price so you will get your money back anyway - also, it potentially saves the purchaser from forking out for their own survey, thus, should they be guzumped they will have not have lost a load of money, whereas the home owner can use the report for all the possible buyers they have and inturn the potential buyers can see what problems there are with the home and also find out how much it will cost to remedy (i.e roofing problems, sub sidence)
I think its good thing all round - Estate agents will work the cost into the property just like they do with their own fees.
TYPICAL SURVERYOR..................... yep thats right, and when I say 'home buyers survery' they are ONE AND THE SAME THING (HIPs = Home buyers surveys) - however, I was simply putting it in Laymans terms (those who dont know what HIPs are will understand better if they see that it is a home buyers survey!!!!)
...............and they are STILL a good thing if you actually do your research on it.
Also, talks on this have been going on for at least 2 years, every year they say that they are going to make it compulsary and thus far they havent - we will have to wait and see if this IS the year (I do believe they are still short by a good few thousand surveryors who are trained to actually do the surveys, which probably has something to do with the course costing around £8000 and the fact that the government has been sodding about making up its mind - I wont be paying to go on any course until it comes into place and is made compulsary!!!!!
****YES it potentially cuts out the solictors!!! Is that such a bad thing......NOPE!!!! They make too much money on the half baked jobs they do anyway - besides, would anyone really want to pay for a solictor to do all that conveyancing and then be guzumped?!?!?!
Remember, these HIPs are only required if you are selling your home, and even then, there is no doubt that the price YOU pay for the HIP as the home owner will be added to the price of the property anyway, thus no one will have lost any money if guzumped and the fee will eventually be paid by the actual BUYER and not the seller.
And does anyone plan to be selling their home every six months or so..... not likely, and even if they do, as I have said above, the costs will no doubt be added to the final price of the property so its not like you are going to have to fork out for these (for example) every 6 months - its only when you put your home on the market!!!!
2007-02-08 22:48:46
answer #1
answered by niccilicci 5
The IDEA like Poll Tax and Communism is sound enough, but unfortunately the mix isn't quite so good after the baking.!
The idea of having loads of information readily at hand so that if someone is interested in your property you can supply them with the information in the Home Information Pack looks appealing and some might say HIP,HIP Hoorah. It will stop the work having to be done by the buyers solicitors.
The downside would appear to be that it will very soon become dated information and the energy survey etc will all have to be done again.. More expense for the householder. The result will probably be that solicitors will then again to have to ask questions, so , we are back to square one.!
Another Half Baked idea from a half baked government!!!!
2007-02-09 08:28:48
answer #2
answered by Anonymous