My best friend and I both like the same guy. The problem is...I think he likes her more than me. He always talks to her first, sits by her at the lunch table...all that good stuff. If I'm near, he waits to talk to me second...only so I don't feel left out. He sits at least one seat away from me...I feel so bad when I see them talking to each other. My best friend says she'll let me have him, because I haven't had many boyfriends. But she flirts with him anyway. What should I do? I can't stop crying...I want this so bad...
12 answers
asked by
Pregnancy & Parenting
➔ Adolescent
so you're saying I should give up? Please...I'm very....suicidal....
16:04:15 ·
update #1
You are suicidal over a guy? why?! there are plenty of guys out there that are probably far better than this one. If he's not into you, he's not into you, don't kill yourself over it. If you are really that suicidal you should get professional help, especially if it's over a school crush. good luck!
2007-02-09 04:30:14
answer #1
answered by Jyse 6
Hey. sweetie. I am sorry < I know you want a boyfriend but, This guy is a human being not a sweater you can just give away, or pass back and forth.
He has feeling and gets attracted to people too. And sorry, HE IS ATTRACTED TO YOUR BF.
She can't LET you have him because he isn't her property to decide what to do with.
How would you like to hear a guy tell another guy he will let him have you? Like an old football.
But she also knows how you feel and she should either not hang with him so closely when you are present out of respect for you or you need to move on and find a BF who cares about your feelings and dossent dangle the forbidden fruit in front of you.
This guy may not even know how you fell.
start a conversation and show him how interesting YOU can be.
But don't get too serious yet. You have your whole life ahead of you yet. OKAY
2007-02-12 14:49:55
answer #2
answered by andi d 2
A relationship is two-sided. This is not such a big deal considering the fact that millions of people are starving and dying in third world countries... I just wanted to put some perspective in this situation. Now, because a relationship is 2 sided, you must consider him. Maybe he just doesn't like you more than a friend, and that's okay. It may seem like a big deal, but there will always be more guys to choose from. Are you stopping your friends and his happiness because you want him? Sometimes you have to just let go of your feelings and realize that when one door closes, millions of others open. You could always talk to him, and see if he is really worth the tears when you could easily find happiness with someone else. Maybe someone likes you, but is to shy or feels you do not like him. Just get some perspective on this situation and realize that life is more important than that. You should also talk to your friend and ask her to stop flirting with him in front of you.
2007-02-08 16:40:41
answer #3
answered by Josh (Trust the universe?) 3
Unfortunately it doesn't sound like the guy is into no matter how much time or effort you put into waiting around for him, it's not going to work out. As far as your friend goes, it seems that she is either into him too, or she's just enjoying the attention she's getting from him. You should tell her how you feel and try to focus your attention on someone/something else.
Trust much as it may hurt now, boys come and go! There will be someone that comes along that is just as into you as you are to him. Save your energy for when that one comes along- it'll be more worth it! Good luck!
2007-02-08 16:03:02
answer #4
answered by Amber R 2
It seems that you really want this guy, if your friend allowed you to "have" him why don't you talk with him more often, you should do that, if you use an instant messenger add the guy, talk to him, talk more often is the key here, let him know you better, talk about anything, it would take upto 2 weeks but its easy, go for it! Ask him what you're doing this weekend or something, try to "make" plans with him or something, it seriously works, just go for it!
2007-02-08 16:19:59
answer #5
answered by its_keeps_getting_better 2
It seems like he likes your friend. Even if your friend did "let you have him" that will not change the way he feels. I know it is a hard part of growing up, but you deserve to be with someone who wants to be with you. Try to remind yourself of your wonderful qualities and look around...there may be a great guy out there who is heartbroken because you don't notice him.
2007-02-08 17:08:36
answer #6
answered by Starshine 5
if she is doing that then she isnt a true friend and you cant make him like you just try to move on and find some1 else i know whats its like to do that i was the same way when i was 14 im 16 now if you wanna talk message me psycho_chick_2083 on messenger or email me im always on
2007-02-08 20:59:47
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
this guy sounds more like a friend. your young, dont let it bother you so much. there are plenty of guys out there. find someone thats into you. you dont want to be with someone that you know will be looking at your best friend instead of you no matter who hes with. so, im sure you can find someone WAY better than this guy.
2007-02-08 16:04:10
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
This guy and your friend's relationship can only go down from here. You got nothing to look forward to nut up.
Just worry about school and forget about boys.
2007-02-08 15:58:38
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
sweety,dont make it harder on u.dont give it importance,start searching for a new crush.i know it's hard but this is the only thing u have to do to forget about him.(replace him with another) take care and good luck.
2007-02-08 19:17:34
answer #10
answered by Mr LB 1