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Anna was married to Howard Marshall and at his death with the help of her new husband (of a cpl months) to Howard Stern, she was able to get ALL the inheritance from her former multi million dollar husband (marshall) Well mysteriously her son dies from a drug reaction and now Anna dies... whos left to get the inheritance??? her new husband Howard Stern.. in my opinion he killed them. I mean who would know that they died from murder because anna is on drugs already... just an idea what do you think?

2007-02-08 12:05:23 · 21 answers · asked by Shelbs 1 in Entertainment & Music Celebrities

21 answers

Her mom already covered that theory in her CourtTV interview after Daniel's death, but....

You are right, if her death is drug related and with her convenient history of drug use, it would be most difficult to prove or, disprove whether Stern was feeding her drugs behind closed doors, with the intent of murdering her. However, the drug line should certainly be looked into. Where was she getting her drugs?

This guy, being there when Daniel died and now when Anna passed, should be highly suspect in everyone's eyes. If nothing else, the lady had been on a downward spiral for a long, long time and with his constant presence over the past several months. So, in my mind, even if he isn't a direct cause, he still bears some responsibility for today's outcome.

What did he do to help her turn her life around? Or, did he just 'feed' into her untimely death? Was he more interested in staying close to the money than he was in putting his foot down and insisting she get help? Or, was he secretly happily awaiting her demise? Those are the questions that should be the question on everyone's mind.

2007-02-08 12:31:26 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I don't think so, I like that Anna's baby is the ex's. Well before she died she had to give DNA testing for the baby right? Well, the baby is going to get Anna's inheritance, and the money would then be in the hands of the father. I think drugs and alcohol did play a role. Everytime we saw her she never looked to well, she was known to be depressed after her son's death, and maybe losing the DNA suit, plus almost losing her home in the Bahamas (or having problems there), paparazzis, her son died, and maybe never even winning the mutli million dollars from her previous marriage made her depressed...

2007-02-08 20:31:45 · answer #2 · answered by Elizabeth 2 · 0 0

I dont think that Anna and Howard were actually married, because he is being described as her companion in the news. I do think that they had a "ceremony" but for some reason it was not legally done. Who knows,,,,,we are talking about Anna Nicole, and she was known to idolize Marylin Monroe, maybe she wanted to go out like that, to be memoralized. Or then again, it could be a case of postpartum depression, drug overdose, or Trim Spa gone bad. Any other ideas?

2007-02-08 20:13:39 · answer #3 · answered by Angela 1 · 0 0

I'd be lying if I said I was a fan of hers because I wasn't. The news is pretty shocking though and I think somehow it's going to be tied to drugs and/or alcohol. The case on her inheritance wasn't over yet, the US Supreme Court said that her case could be reinstated.

The really said thing is that she left behind a five month old girl who no one is really even sure who her father is.

I watched part of one her show a few years ago and swear that I lost IQ points for every minute that went by. She was certainly someone who got much more then her 15 minutes of fame.

2007-02-08 20:16:23 · answer #4 · answered by milwaukiedave 5 · 2 0

I believe that Howard Stern loved her. He and her best friend were always attacked on her show by her but stood by her.

Howard Stern was a weird character but he looked after her best interests when others would have left in no time.

2007-02-08 20:22:06 · answer #5 · answered by Obtuse Triangle Fan 4 · 0 0

First of all, I thought they went back to court and she lost the inheritance? I heard she only got a few hundred thousand, which is no where near the original amount. Wasn't it in the news recently that she couldn't pay rent on some place she was living in, in the Bahamas?

2007-02-08 20:10:55 · answer #6 · answered by GT 3 · 1 0

Anyone watch the View today and see Rosie bashing Anna Nicole? She was saying all this bad stuff about her. Maybe it was too much for Anna and drove her over the edge. The timing was too perfect.


2007-02-08 20:38:31 · answer #7 · answered by Jennifer L 4 · 0 0

Could be postpartum depression, overdose and even suicide, I hope not because of the baby, how could she not have a reason to live ?? the newborn needs her mother no matter what, and it is not even clear who her father is, so I wonder what is going to happen with the baby, my heart goes out to that child and God bless Anna and rest in peace with her son.

2007-02-08 20:22:41 · answer #8 · answered by Marta D 2 · 0 0

i am truly shocked! there is small consolation that she may be with her son now, she mourned him so deeply. i understand society's impulse to attack, but i believe that we should forgive all misdeeds of life in death. she just has not been "herself" since daniel died. she always had a media strength and exuberance that shined through everything. it seemed that something significant within her died with him. i hope she is at peace. my deepest sympathies go out to mr. stern and danilynn. it was clear through the recent interviews that he cared deeply for her with all of his efforts (however futile) to protect her in the recent media blitz over her children and personal tragedies.

goodbye anna nicole, and god speed.

2007-02-09 01:33:23 · answer #9 · answered by ladrhiana 4 · 0 0

Possible, but doesn't she have a newborn baby. If the baby dies, I blame Howard, or Anna...I don't know, her life i\was pretty sketchy.

2007-02-08 20:14:35 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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