Yup, that's kinda what I was thinking
2007-02-08 09:58:07
answer #1
answered by Sunnie 5
Who knows? We'll have to see what the autopsy says. She had a complicated and bizarre life plus she just had a baby. The reports say that she collapsed and was rushed to the hospital where she died.
2007-02-08 10:01:22
answer #2
answered by cats 7
I am hoping for a very entertaining media storm filled with mis-information and a high profile investigation, followed by an even higher profile prosecution.
2007-02-08 10:00:06
answer #3
answered by khanofali 5
Personally? I wonder about the Trimspa and about the fact that so much money was on the line. One of her children died in the last year as well of mysterious causes, so it really is kind of suspect.
2007-02-08 09:58:47
answer #4
answered by Evan 3
I think she committed suicide because she couldnt handle the fact that her son was her babies father and she was in love with her son. when he commited suicide 3 days after the baby was born. Now isnt that suspicious???
2007-02-08 09:59:12
answer #5
answered by hvandyk82 2
I think she killed herself. She was going through a rough time with the death of her son, and everything. I do not think that she was murdered...
2007-02-08 10:01:06
answer #6
answered by Dan 5
I don't know any of the details...it does seem like there was a lot going on there....too much tragedy in too short a span of time...what will happen to her baby??!!
2007-02-08 10:00:02
answer #7
answered by sacanda_trina 4
Yeah, she was probably murdered by a bunch of pills.
2007-02-08 09:59:06
answer #8
answered by Metal 4
but she was always all like.....high or something. she always slurred her words n stuff. Kevin and Bean tried asking her about it on KROQ but she got all offended n stuff. she probably did OD even if she did, its not like she's the first one to do it. Plenty of celebs have gone down that way. sux don't it?
2007-02-08 09:58:41
answer #9
answered by Modified Blue 2
Got to wait for the autopsy
2007-02-08 09:58:14
answer #10
answered by SamSeaborn 2
people on yahoo answers are being so rude. Yea, I DO feel bad she died, Yea it was a shock to me, and Yea I do care about your average joe that dies when they show them on tv!!! Why are people rude!? Some people have drug/alcohol problems, does that mean they should die!?? Have some respect!!!
2007-02-08 09:58:12
answer #11
answered by kaala79 4