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we are in another country unjustifiably. and a country that never had a chance against us, i mean u can't even really call it a war

2007-02-08 09:26:12 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Entertainment & Music Polls & Surveys

im talkin about iraq

2007-02-08 09:28:04 · update #1

actually we did sort of immgrate to iraq, we hav thousands of our troops there. we barged in we didn't ask before we went in. and like i said they never had a real chance against us.

2007-02-08 09:32:39 · update #2

we invaded them
we are living in their country and we didn't fil out any damn papers or ask them if we could stay there

2007-02-08 09:36:36 · update #3

6 answers

no, I like your thoughts and I agree

2007-02-08 09:28:25 · answer #1 · answered by Lupita 5 · 1 2

You're a pinheaded fool. You try to put two ideas that have nothing to do with each other. Our troops are not trying to move to Iraq for work. They are fighting a war. And it doesn't matter if the war is right or wrong, it has nothing to do with illegal immigration. I'm sure your liberal bs and your pony tail gets you chicks but that bs rap and $1.50 will get you a cup of coffee.

Get real.

2007-02-08 17:31:45 · answer #2 · answered by Tumbling Dice 5 · 1 1

We're not immigrating to Iraq. Bush started a war there. There's a big difference.

And immigration to the U.S. is getting overwhelming, so I believe it should be restricted.

Peace out ~L~

2007-02-08 17:30:17 · answer #3 · answered by Lilly S 3 · 1 0

But it IS a war! We have lost thousands of American citizens in a war that was started for the reason that Bush wanted to get Sadaam for trying to kill his daddy and for their oil. He called it terrorism - I call it revenge. I say we should close American borders to ALL immigrants and do it now. We have plenty of people here already!

2007-02-08 17:33:52 · answer #4 · answered by The Nana of Nana's 7 · 0 2

You can't compare that to over 13 million illegal immigrants in our country. Actually - our military could learn about invasions from the illegals that have gotten in here.

2007-02-08 17:28:53 · answer #5 · answered by lifesajoy 5 · 1 1

This question is making my head hurt....

2007-02-08 17:29:16 · answer #6 · answered by ? 6 · 1 2

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