I don't know. With that being said, one thing people should be sure about when a person passes away, is whether or not that person is a believer. (Mark 8:38) - "For whoever will be ashamed of Me and of My words in this adulterous and sinful generation, the Son of Man also will be ashamed of him, when He comes in the glory of His Father with the holy angels." If she is a follower of Christ, she didn't make it well known. We should always let people know if we believe in and are followers of the Lord Jesus Christ. I hope that she was and I pray for her family and loved ones during this time. I pray that God strengthens them in Jesus' name and that they give their life to Christ. God bless you and peace. John 14:27
2007-02-08 08:51:40
answer #1
answered by C.O.G. 3
yes she did believe in god and it is so sad that she died leaving that baby girl alone in the world . She was such a tragic person . I think alot of people misunderstood her much like marilyn monroe . there are alot of tragic people out there .
2007-02-08 16:45:27
answer #2
answered by Kate T. 7
I choose to believe she was, and I believe she took comfort in knowing her son was at peace in Heaven.
2007-02-08 16:46:10
answer #3
answered by Aunt Henny Penny 5
That was between her and God. If she was she could have been a better witness.
2007-02-08 17:38:21
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
i cant stand her
have you ever herd her talk? shes like 30 and sounds like a 5 year old
2007-02-08 16:44:37
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
No one will ever know... I how she was a believer in something
2007-02-08 16:47:11
answer #6
answered by lizzy 5
Why do you care?
Do you think it's gonna make a difference now?
2007-02-08 16:46:40
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Im not sure if she was, but she didn't live like one- or appear to be one.
2007-02-08 16:44:29
answer #8
answered by *Cole* 3
I don't think so she wouldn't have been any where near a casino
2007-02-08 16:44:37
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
i dont know. i hope she was, my heeart goes out to her little baby daughter
2007-02-08 16:44:12
answer #10
answered by kleighs mommy 7