You know, I think she inhaled a peanut. If you inhale a peanut into your lungs, you can die. The oils in it kill you. I think she had a peanut butter and ham sand which, choked on it, and inhaled it all. Then, it went into her lungs and slowly killed her. G-d forgive me, but I just had to say that! Truthfully, I think it was an overdose. lol
2007-02-08 08:34:03
answer #1
answered by Rain Nicole S 1
Anna Nicole Smith Ghost
2016-11-07 11:07:52
answer #2
answered by ? 4
Ghost aside, I think there are a number of factors that contributed to her death. This woman was obviously an emotional wreck and lacked the skills to sucessfully cope with grief and outside issues. I believe there is a possiblity of mental illness. Total reclusivness for months on end is not natural. The death of her son, the birth of her daughter (possible postpartum depression), the battle with the Marshall family for 400 million, the latest Trimspa allegations and push towards a class action lawsuit that may or may not include her, her relationship with her mother.... and the list could go on. This woman just couldn't cope. If she were killed, it is evident that she did have tremendous opposition from others. Yet who would want to see her dead and why? So this last speculation is more than likely devoid of possibility.
I owe a large amount in student loans and have often hid in my home and not answered the door due to depression. Everyone was a potential enemy or problem to me, as depression distorts reality. I have since delt with my depression and got to the root of its cause, but what about people like Anna?
All that said, we can't hide from our situations, our fears, our obligations, and ourselves for long. I am not likening my problems to those of Anna's, but even the smallest of things can jar many of us. Just imagine her frenzy and her desire to escape.
If nothing else, I feel guilty for not having prayed for her, as her lack of strength was evident. Am I to be added to the haunt list above? Shouldn't we all?
2007-02-09 04:20:30
answer #3
answered by ladyshua 2
She may have overdosed because she misses her son. Or someone gave her the same drugs her son took. It has to be related somehow. A mother and son don't just dye accidently 5 months apart.
Anna won't haunt the hotel. She'll probably haunt Marshall's family.
2007-02-08 08:32:47
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Of course her ghost will haunt, just like Marilyn Monroe ghost haunts some hotel.
2007-02-08 08:28:58
answer #5
answered by b c 3
I hope so! She left behind her 5 month old daughter. Her son is gone and ever her dying won't bring him back, but she did have everything to live for by having that little girl who will never know her mother.
2007-02-08 08:29:37
answer #6
answered by Momwithaheart 4
Oh I would say that,my ex-boyfriend mother died the same day has her mother did.It was a very sad day.We all believe that his mother had some kind of feelings that her mother died.I was very strange.So you see it can happen.
2007-02-08 13:49:30
answer #7
answered by horrorofdebra 2
I think her lawyer and the baby's father Howard k stern.
2007-02-08 08:26:34
answer #8
answered by Gen 4
No need for the ham sandwhich comment
2007-02-08 08:30:25
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Yes -- her passing was very sad
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2016-04-16 11:05:17
answer #10
answered by Anonymous