Yeah I went through that but I was 42 weeks when they induced me. The good thing about inducing is that you know that it is almost over and they will give you pain meds because pitocin can make contractions a little harder. Also they are constantly monitoring you so they know if the baby is in distress and if the contractions are strong enough. Also they can give you your epidural when you need it.
2007-02-08 07:14:10
answer #1
answered by momof3 6
I've never went 41 weeks however I'm expecting my 5th child in April and have been induced with every child. My water breaks and I never get the real contractions so they induce me and bring on the man made contractions. I can't compare what the real ones feel like but when I get induced the best advice I can give you that I always do is to sit up in the hospital bed instead of laying down. It has something to do with gravity and speeds things up. I've been induced and from start to finish have had the baby in 4 hours or less. Keep in mind my water was already broken, I lost the mucus plug, and my cervix was already thinned out and started to dialate. Get some headphones the only thing that bothered me mentally was the nurse walking in as I'm trying to stay comfy with the contractions and they press the button to drip more pitocin in the i.v. it's a little discouraging because you think you are doing everything to handle the contractions and then they walk in and speed things up a little at a time. But remember you can always get some pain meds if it's too intense.
2007-02-08 07:28:12
answer #2
answered by missingNYC 2
HI, yes I know exactly how you feel. I had to be induced in both of my pregnancy's and unfortunately could not have an epidural. I was really scared the first time around,but it will be over with before you know it. Oh yeah,and not to scare you or anything,but that thing they say about how you forget the pain once you see your baby,is a bunch of bull. Yes,you forget about the pain for the time being ,but then later on you will always remember it! I am now pregnant with my third,and not even close to my due date,but already am scared once I think of labor...mainly because I cant have an epidural due to my low platelets. which is very rare,so don't worry about that. Just know that the pain hurts,but it wont last forever,and you get a beautiful baby in the end! Good luck,and God Bless!
2007-02-08 07:23:15
answer #3
answered by mom 0f 2&1on the way 2
I was induced due to high blood pressure at 40 weeks, 3 days. I ended up having a c-section. I can tell you that the contractions *were* painful. This is because they were so quick and seemed to be one on top of the other. I *did* get an epidural because I didn't want my pain to hinder the baby's progress. After that, I was able to SLEEP during contractions. It was more like mild period cramps. You WILL be in pain - that is just labor. However - you WILL not remember it and you WILL think it was all worth it once it is over. Try to be relaxed, breath through it and take it one contraction at a time. Think to yourself - "I am almost done with this contraction - it is one step closer to meeting my baby." Before you know it the contraction is over. And before you know it your baby is here! And then time *really* goes by quickly! The sleeping thing - that passes, too. Enjoy when your baby is not real awake and moble. It will all change - for the good of course! But take time to savor the moment! Good luck and CONGRATS!
2007-02-08 08:07:28
answer #4
answered by BLONDAGE 2
I was induced and I was very afraid, I had heard horro stories about being induced. The truth is, it isnt that bad. The hospital took good care of me, and I had a fairly quick labor for it being my first child. My labor was only 14 and a half hours and thats counting from the time they gave me the petocin. It didnt kick in right away, when it did, sure it hurt, but if you ask for pain killing drugs and the epideral, it really helps! It seemed that once I had the epideral and relaxed a bit things started to happen fast. After the epideral I almost fell asleep! It helped alot but the pain came back once it was time to push. Honestly its over before you know it and you have your baby. They may make you walk the halls because you were induced to get things going, but it isnt bad. Dont be scared, you will do great! Good luck and congrats!
2007-02-08 07:13:00
answer #5
answered by ♥♫♥ Crystal ♥♫♥ 4
yes, went through the same thing w/ my boy. Inducing isn't that bad, it's just stuff in ur iv, the one thing that did hurt was the stuff they had to put on my cervix to make me dilate, and when they broke my water it was kinda funny. the thing looked like a giant croshet needle lol. one thing i can say though is if they don't get the epidural right the first time then you're better off without it. They did mine 8 times before they got it right and now my back is useless, little er'day things i can't do because it strains my back too much. One good thing, at least w/ inducing you don't have to worry about where your water will break =)
2007-02-08 07:13:06
answer #6
answered by Cheezy 2
I'm actually on the treshold to 41 weeks tomorrow, and I know how you feel. The more you are scared of the pain the more it will hurt. (it's a whole 'mind' thing) Realize that having the baby is going to hurt, but they can give you an epidural or narcotics to help with the pain. No one said that giving birth was going to be easy...
Good Luck
2007-02-08 07:11:37
answer #7
answered by penguincookies 2
I was induced with my first child. You know it will take awhile to get going because some of the medicine they give you actually slows the proccess down. Take your best friend and make it a fun day. It helped me having people there. Good Luck!
2007-02-08 07:19:13
answer #8
answered by chooch 1
i was induced before my 40 weeks with 2 pregnancies but it was not bad at all your doctor knows what he is doing....the pain isnt great but thats what the epidural is for
2007-02-08 07:17:46
answer #9
answered by Nicole 3
"When researchers in the late 1980s followed a group of healthy, white women with regular menstrual cycles, they discovered that pregnancy in first-time mothers averaged eight days longer than this, or forty-one weeks plus one day (2). The average was three days longer than forty weeks in women with prior births.",,jb56,00.html
So...don't worry too much!
2007-02-08 07:41:08
answer #10
answered by Anonymous