Al Qaeda Sends a Message to Democrats
December 22, 2006 2:28 PM
Brian Ross and Hoda Osman Report:
Al Qaeda has sent a message to leaders of the Democratic party that credit for the defeat of congressional Republicans belongs to the terrorists.
December 22, 2006 2:28 PM
In a portion of the tape from al Qaeda No. 2 man, Ayman al Zawahri, made available only today, Zawahri says he has two messages for American Democrats.
"The first is that you aren't the ones who won the midterm elections, nor are the Republicans the ones who lost. Rather, the Mujahideen -- the Muslim Ummah's vanguard in Afghanistan and Iraq -- are the ones who won, and the American forces and their Crusader allies are the ones
Zawahri calls on the Democrats to negotiate with him and Osama bin Laden, not others in the Islamic world who Zawahri says cannot help.
"And if you don't refrain from the foolish American policy of backing Israel, occupying the lands of Islam and stealing the treasures of the Muslims, then await the same fate," he said.
2007-02-08 06:51:15
answer #1
answered by scarlettt_ohara 6
Both parties. They register people to vote illegally and can control our government in a Mafia Format. Look Around you. The terrorists have already won quite a bit. For example, who was punished after 9/11/01 -- the illegal aliens? The terrorists? No. The American Citizens who had our travel restricted, have our bags searched by illegal aliens, have our identities stolen so illegal aliens can further their gains in the USA, our jobs stolen, and our government has assisted them all the way. They won't even act on illegal immigration. They want to give amnesty to lawbreakers while punishing loyal citizens to the fullest extent of the law.
The more elections terrorists win, the more laws they can pass to further their cause and enslave American Citizens. Hugo Chavez, Cuba, Mexico, Iran, and numerous other countries have banded together and have been building armies of their citizens in the United States. Because our government won't enforce our laws, they know they don't have to use their armies yet. Last year's illegal alien marches were a demonstration of their power and their ability to take over the USA. It wasn't about rights. It was about how they don't have to obey any laws and can march in our streets without so much as a show me your ID. They are systematically killing off old people and stealing identities of law-abiding citizens so they can have ultimate control of the country. We citizens have failed to exercise our rights and responsibilities so we have made it easy for them. Are you ready to stand up and be counted?
Start sending Pink Slips to your elected and appointed officials. Take our country back. Make them do the jobs they were elected to do. Let's withhold their pay and see how they like it.
Don't forget to boycott businesses and organizations that hire illegal aliens.
2007-02-08 15:02:07
answer #2
answered by MH/Citizens Protecting Rights! 5
It is utterly ridiculous to think that terrorists care if republicans or democrats or anyone else for that matter wins. Republicans will have people believe that they can keep us safer than democrats. The deadliest terrorist attack on American soil happened under a republican president and congress. Terrorists had the United States period. If democrats win, the terrorists will not hate America any more or less than they already do. If republicans win, the same holds true.
2007-02-14 14:54:06
answer #3
answered by abgroove 2
I would have to say Republicans, I guess a lot of us have forgotten Iran Gate the real reason why the hostages were released when Reagan become president. Bush Sr while the Director of CIA has been affiliated with everyone we now deem terrorists, Bin La Dein, Saddam Hussein, Humani etc. We arm them, train them, fund them, then say they are evil and attack them. The weakest message we have sent to terrorists is not going after Bin Ladein after the 9/11 attacks, which president Bush Jr. Who is proving to the world that we can't plan and execute a war effectively, that would be Bush Jr again.
I would have to say the terrorist would want republicans to win elections so they can train them, arm them and fund them for future attacks against the US, and after the attack they would go on a tangent and fight a war at a different country and leave the terrorist all alone. Republicans are good at coming up with slogans but that's all, war is not their piece of cake.
2007-02-08 15:16:49
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Having Bush in office seems to have worked real well for them so far. They don't have to attack us here, they are attacking American soldiers everyday. We have lost almost as many in Iraq as we did on Sept. 11. These are patient people and if they have not attacked us here it is not because they cannot. Things are no safer here because we have a presence in Iraq.
2007-02-14 01:01:16
answer #5
answered by edaem 4
They want America out of Iraq and the Middle East, since we practically destroyed their base. So they are pulling for the politicians with that agenda.
2007-02-08 16:07:25
answer #6
answered by Truth B. Told ITS THE ECONOMY STUPID 6
They want the most incompetent leaders possible for us.
Sadly, neither party has the monopoly on incompetence in any area of statesmanship. (If one party did, it would be much easier to decide my vote in each election.)
2007-02-08 14:57:52
answer #7
answered by Peter E 4
The terrorists and Jane Fonda both want peace.
The democrats want peace.
Jane fonda and Democrats = Terrorists.
2007-02-08 18:00:48
answer #8
answered by infobrokernate 6
Who knows. All I know is that only the Democrats will elect a muslim with a questionable background to the House of Representatives.
2007-02-08 15:37:08
answer #9
answered by Gus K 3
the green party, because all they want is a front lawn too. I'm sure you'd be angry too if you had so much sand and barren wasteland in your life.
2007-02-08 14:54:23
answer #10
answered by theprof00 2