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BATMAN THE DARK NIGHT IS AWSOME! (he is also a billionaire! duh, $$$$$$$$)

2007-02-08 06:42:54 · 17 answers · asked by jeanelly m 1 in Entertainment & Music Comics & Animation

17 answers

Super Man is totally gay, him!!! I like spider-man, and bat-man so much better!!!!!!!!!!!

2007-02-08 06:46:10 · answer #1 · answered by with The Vicious 4 · 0 0

ok I gotta admit there are some holes interior the Superman concept definite. yet I they don't seem fools or stupid they are trusting and nieve. (good human beings purely assume human beings to be good) Why may Clark lie? I also gotta admit I did like Christopher Reeve as Superman way extra then this new guy. also i'm kinda getting ill of all the hero's whining ... aw i visit't be everyday .. what's with that? Suck it up dude you're hero ... like it and fly!!

2016-11-26 03:14:32 · answer #2 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

Batman has no powers so when he takes a punch he takes it like a man. When he falls from a building, he falls. He gets bruised, cut, pounded, and soaked to the core when it rains. He gets tired but he keeps going on with no sleep.

He does not bask in the glory he just keeps moving.......

of course Batman is awesome.....theres just no comparison to anybody else.

2007-02-08 07:32:52 · answer #3 · answered by j615 4 · 0 0

Superman rocks batman does too. Except if you put them in a fight batman would get the mess nocked out of him no matter how much money he had.

2007-02-08 07:12:22 · answer #4 · answered by tcolbat 2 · 0 0

even though he is a manic depressive that needs some serious meds, Batman is way cooler that the Rainbow Patriot Superman

2007-02-09 07:44:56 · answer #5 · answered by Chazz Drizzler 5 · 0 0

I agree... superman sucks... nothing beats him, except kryptonite... but batman... he is nothing more than a man... doing all of the same things superman does... WITHOUT powers...

2007-02-08 08:28:58 · answer #6 · answered by girl_of_your_dreams_1331 4 · 1 0

Not Me. Batman Begins is Christian Bale.
What did SUPERMAN ever do to you?

2007-02-08 06:50:56 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I agree that superman sucks, but so does batman. I heard rumors that they both suck together.

2007-02-08 08:39:25 · answer #8 · answered by veggie_85_16 3 · 2 0

SuperShit sucks; BatMan Rocks!

2007-02-08 06:56:26 · answer #9 · answered by Entice 2 · 2 1

I always found his stories dull. nothing beats him 1st only kryptonite would hurt him then after 30yrs of kryptonite stories someone came up with a weakness to magic. The 80's saw him fighting every bad guy they could think of w/magic powers. That got played out too. Its even dumber when they put him on a team. He is a whole team. I'm w/you he could have stayed dead and it would be OK.

2007-02-08 06:58:02 · answer #10 · answered by looking4answers 4 · 1 1

He Super-Sucks, Batman can only suck like a mere mortal, no matter how much money he has.

2007-02-08 06:47:08 · answer #11 · answered by ralfinader 3 · 0 0

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