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6 answers

shhhhhhhhhhh, secret - i have done both. one is definitely NOT a friend type card is more like the transition between gf and wife and i am working on a homemade card because i KNOW my gf loves that - you should see the journal she made for me.

just a few random thoughts - my gf and i use whatever we can to communicate and stay motivated in a positive way during rough patches [which will happen over the LONG course of an R - even the BEST couples have ups and downs - we are not unique, its universal] Anyhoooooooo, I have been listening to music non-stop, 24/7, it has become my safe place and protector and has really helped me with any emotions - and i am finding i have developed a faster recognition of a songs connection to my life. sometimes it feels like anne is cosmic radio dj! lol. i hope she is doing the same. the other thing i wanted to say is this V-Day is extremely special for me and i am in a bit of a spot. i know that one day anne and i will look back and think WTF was that period all about? lol. but right now, time and space, and no emotional overloading is important - so, on the one hand am looking forward to VDay in the hopes we share it but to date it doesn't look promising - and that's ok. i have already bought a number of special prezzies and she can receive those any ol time. what i am concerned about is this - anne is the most beautiful woman in the world, but she is a little shy, she has told me she would like to stop walking on eggshells and has opened up and revealed a side of her that is totally her - its a great thing seeing the whole person - now, she mentioned that she would like some sexy things to wear and i know exactly what she means by that. my problem is this - i have NEVER bought something like that for her and the last thing i want to do is screw up anything that deals with sexuality - plus, i used to have the exact measurements for the delicatos but like everything else lately, i've misplaced the info. trust me there is nothing worse that buying a woman something too big or too small - this is why guys usually shop WITH women for that stuff. and i am a little nervous, totally confident and jazzed but i am concerned that that day will put way too much pressure on her and make her push back - so, how do i find out 100% we are dating on Vday, how do i get her stats again, and is getting someone something like that a little too much when u are starting fresh again but its still the 1st date. it is important that i do not trigger any past stuff and while i will just be my usual calm ultra dude man, she will be thinking way too much and that might increase tension and cycles - so if there are amy women that understand what i am trying to say [lol] plz HELP!

btw, i can tell when i am losing it with a DESIRE to see her when the twitching drives u to silly extremes - COME ON BACK HERE NORMAL LIFE!


2007-02-08 06:22:03 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Home made. Even if they're ugly, they're more personal than one that's store bought because your loved one's thoughts and creativity went into it.

2007-02-08 14:00:33 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

All I want for Valentine's Day is a heart-shaped donut from Krispy Kreme and my husband is refusing to get me one.

2007-02-08 13:58:05 · answer #3 · answered by Lewis 4 · 0 0

Jewelery store bought ones!!!!!!
Well.... I had to be honest right?

2007-02-08 14:05:16 · answer #4 · answered by MRS. EVIL GENIUS 5 · 0 0

Home made, this way you know they were made with lots of love!!!!!!!!

2007-02-08 13:59:52 · answer #5 · answered by kikiboo! 2 · 0 0

homemade , hello kats

2007-02-08 17:00:20 · answer #6 · answered by HEY boo boo 6 · 0 0

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