No one really knows.
2007-02-08 02:49:58
answer #1
answered by ? 6
If you mean between Hamas and Fatah,well they have to realize that the last thing the Palestinian people needs right now it's a civil war...Things aren't that good there since the international community decided to cut funds in order to punish the Palestinians for their choice...Well I hope that Hamas and Fatah are going to agree to form an unity government,then maybe the international community will agree to stop this stupid boycott...
If you mean between Palestine and Israel,well first force Israel to apply and respect international law,force Israel to recognize the Palestinians as a people and allow them to have their own independent state,allow the refugees to came back...and then they can start talking with the Palestinians about recognizing Israel...Thing that was done once,after the Oslo accord,which brought nothing good for the Palestinians...Palestinians need to realize that Israel is not going anywhere and maybe middle ways are found in order for the two people to live together...through talks,'cos 60 years of fighting are enough...
2007-02-08 04:41:32
answer #2
answered by Tinkerbell05 6
Recognize a Palestine Country or State in the region. But it cant be done they want Israel to be destroyed
2007-02-08 02:50:56
answer #3
answered by papabear098 4
Do you really believe that if Jews remained in Europe there will be violence here? Don't you think that if Jews didn't establish a state in Palestine that there will be violence here? Just solve it forever, let the Israelis go to their homeland in Europe peacefully. That's it.
2007-02-08 07:17:40
answer #4
answered by MagicWand 3
The "Palestinians" could accept Israel as a state, and stop calling for the destruction of Israel and the deaths of all Jews. That would be a nice start.
2007-02-08 02:50:08
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
If we close our eyes.
2007-02-08 02:48:45
answer #6
answered by ? 5