Can't really decide between the following...
*Politically Correct Everything*:
We are so busy trying NOT to offend anyone, any group, or any nation...that we loose sight of where the real enemy lies.
Let's stop powdering everyones bottoms and throw down our cards-where ever they may fall. How does that saying go? "If stand for nothing, you fall for anything"???
*New Anti Terror Laws*: (???)
I am one of those people that really do believe that our government (USA) is really trying to do good. Be it as it may-they may be misguided at times. I think that some of these laws do exist to protect the people of our country but I also wonder at what cost the price of safety comes. What ever happened to, "Give me Liberty or Give me Death"???
But on the same token, if these laws stop terrorists from nuking us-and killing millions of innocents...these laws would be worth it. Right, wrong, or indifferent.
*The Modern Media*:
It's hard to know what the truth is. It seems like everone in the media has an angle or a score to settle. Whether it be conservative or liberal-there is a bias. Where can we just get the facts of the whole situation-with out being manipulated in believing a certain way??? How can we take a stand for what is right when we do not even have the correct facts?
I am sorry I could not come up with just one. Each of these three stick out in my mind and I feel each desperately needs to be addressed.
Thanks for reading my answer.
2007-02-08 05:32:53
answer #1
answered by J L 2
Well to be honest, I will say ignorance and laziness are the greatest threat. Look at where "liberty" can be threatened... eg. some guy with a chip on his shoulder { who may or may not have been financed by the cia...} decides to attack a country and cause havoc with the people of that country. Now lets say that guy is... 1] bin laden. {funding etc} And he gets away with it all. Somehow. And shortly afterwards new laws are introduced that inhibit some and destroy some the name of "war on terrorism" {HA!} OR 2] that "guy" is U.S {military etc etc} and "he" decides to invade a country "he" believes is responsible. "He" destroys ,rapes murders, the people and then decides that they need to "get it together" and become their own And "he" gets away with it.Somehow. Sure maybe more "liberties" will occur but only after families are destroyed, people butchered and raped etc. Both scenarios there is a lack of information {as in truth} and people who r just too damn lazy to do anything about it.
2007-02-08 03:25:57
answer #2
answered by Matt 1
Lack of property rights. Look at Venezuela! Once the jewel of South America, now a soup line with a dictator handing out the broth.
Without a right to the use of your property, there can be no liberty or any pursuit of happiness.
2007-02-08 02:47:24
answer #3
answered by Curt 4
As silly as it may sound, liberty is probably the greatest threat to our liberty. You give your enemies the freedom to take your freedom.
2007-02-08 02:42:45
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I believe Mindy and Rocky Mtn extreme and Iron_Pla. This u . s . has been heading interior the incorrect route because Reagan and someone desires to end it. the finest suitable danger to our structure is the electorate United victory for the republicans.
2016-11-26 02:34:28
answer #5
answered by ? 4