If I believe that the U.K should only publically fund christianity i.e everybodies taxes (no matter what you believe in) should only go to the building/upkeep of churches, minsters, catherderals and to the wages of vicars, ministers, reverands, pastors etc everywhere in the U.K, no matter how many, or how dense a population of people of other religious beliefs live in a certain area of the country. Does this make me a racist? I really dont mind what people believe in, but I believe that if the current government continues to pander to all the differnet types of religions that can be found in this country today, then we will head towards civil war. throughout history you'll see that every country where there has been two equally popullar religions, they have had wars and in the extreme case countries have had to split in 2 or 3 new countries, like India, India became India, Pakistan and Bangledesh, all because of religious fighting. I think this will happen in the U.K within 40 years.
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