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If I believe that the U.K should only publically fund christianity i.e everybodies taxes (no matter what you believe in) should only go to the building/upkeep of churches, minsters, catherderals and to the wages of vicars, ministers, reverands, pastors etc everywhere in the U.K, no matter how many, or how dense a population of people of other religious beliefs live in a certain area of the country. Does this make me a racist? I really dont mind what people believe in, but I believe that if the current government continues to pander to all the differnet types of religions that can be found in this country today, then we will head towards civil war. throughout history you'll see that every country where there has been two equally popullar religions, they have had wars and in the extreme case countries have had to split in 2 or 3 new countries, like India, India became India, Pakistan and Bangledesh, all because of religious fighting. I think this will happen in the U.K within 40 years.

2007-02-08 02:13:08 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

17 answers

I think you need to find a hobby and stop worrying about issues you have no control over. Get a life

2007-02-08 02:16:53 · answer #1 · answered by Fukcing Nightmare 2 · 1 1

That's not racist, it's sectarian and just as wrong.
I don't want my taxes going to any religion, luckily the government agrees and doesn't fund religions here.
Additionally the UK has had religious wars between different brands of christians. Read some history, English Civil War would be a good starting place.

2007-02-08 02:22:36 · answer #2 · answered by freebird 6 · 1 0

It's more like a religion thing. You are bias and prejudicing other religions basically. It doesn't make you racist but it is something that you should not do. It's in a way wrong (despite your reasons) but no-one has made a big deal about this sort of thing yet.

Try to be more open minded and see that living with other religions does not always lead to civil war. Try to look to the Queen for support and advice. The Queen was chosen by God and she's so open about the subject; it's cool.

2007-02-08 02:20:31 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

NO your not a racist and your concerns are shared by many people. These concerns are being exploited by extremist groups for their own ends.

Do I think your over reacting? Yes, probably. I think you should concentrate your concerns on the minority of Islamist aka Islamo-fascist groups trying to overthrow our society rather than the mass of Moslems trying to get on with their own lives.

Perhaps we should link any grants to Mosques or Islamic groups to their proving they are promoting "British values" such as human rights, female equality and freedom of belief.

2007-02-08 02:32:37 · answer #4 · answered by pwei34 5 · 0 0

I don't think you know what a racist is. Race and religion are two separate things.
I abhor all organised religion and strongly believe that non of our tax money should go to fund these peddlers of fairy stories. If you want to throw your own money away on fantasy then be my guest but leave mine alone.

2007-02-08 02:36:06 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Not a racist, but certainly a "religionist".

So you would still take these taxes from people of other religions, or no religion? How would you justify that, exactly?

The government should not spend taxes on any religion at all. If people want to pay homage to their god, let them do it out of their own pocket.

If you want to go with the majority, go with the 80% or more who don't practice any religion at all, at least in between weddings and funerals.

2007-02-08 02:20:23 · answer #6 · answered by gvih2g2 5 · 0 2

First of all if people want religion they should all be treated as equal. Second of all you are seriously in the dark over politics and thirdly what if I dont want any of my money to go to any religion and maybe have it spent it on the NHS or some other worth while cause instead.

2007-02-08 02:19:01 · answer #7 · answered by Tilly 5 · 0 1

What's special about christianity?

I have equal respect for all faiths - Zero!

The state should not fund any religious activity at all, full stop.

People have every right to believe whatever ridiculous fantasies they like, but they are not entitled to use public money to act them out. Why is a church of England vicar any more entitled than an iman or a rabbi to have his silly frock paid for out of my tax money?

2007-02-08 02:20:28 · answer #8 · answered by Avondrow 7 · 3 2

Wow. it really is definitely severe. people purely presume that your profile image is meant to to look resembling you. i understand precisely the way you sense. My situation is vice versa, i take advantage of white profile images usually yet i'm quite black. they're both utilising user-friendly experience and are not thinking this function or are randomly guessing.

2016-12-03 21:45:44 · answer #9 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

I have no idea about whether or not you are a racist. You have dreadful spelling though!

A well spelt question makes you appear more credible.

2007-02-08 02:24:18 · answer #10 · answered by brian t 5 · 0 0

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