theoretically, your headlights might look like they're beams of light trailing behind you on the sides of your lightspeed car..
2007-02-08 02:51:38
answer #1
answered by Chuck Babu 1
Sticking to Einsteins theory- nothing can travel faster than light. At speed of light the body (car)would turn to a point mass of near infinite density.
Now to the hypothetical question:
presuming you switched on the lights prior to attaining the speed of light
Yes, you would still be able to see the head lights coz the light is being emitted by your HEAD LIGHTS and is already ahead of you before you matched its speed.
2007-02-08 04:47:14
answer #2
answered by kapilbansalagra 4
Nothing can go that fast, but say your car was going ALMOST the speed of light. Would the lights from your headlights move out very slow? No, the light goes out at the speed of light relative to your vehicle. How? relativity. it can't really be explained easily, it just is so.
2007-02-08 03:55:33
answer #3
answered by sspade30 5
Nothing can travel that fast, but to answer your question, your headlights wouldn't be headlights anymore. Your car would have infinite mass. Your car would be the only thing in existence, so what would they shine on?
Other than that, since the speed of light is relative, your headlights would appear to be working normal to you, but to a stationary observer, they would be moving faster than light, and so they would not shine ahead of you from their perspective.
2007-02-08 03:51:42
answer #4
answered by Mickey Mouse Spears 7
Actually the situaton you have considered is not possible but if u consider it then your answer is :
the speed of light is free of all frame of reference hence it will continue to travel with 300000km /sec and hence the head light will work.
actually the length of your car will contract mass will increase and time will go slower hence all this situation will create a situation such that your head light will work properly.
2007-02-08 07:09:45
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
hmm... food for thought... this is only possible if cars don't travel on roads ie flying cars as factors like traction, friction and centrifugal forces not even thinking of what stretch of road linear road network is available. wow think of the future of cars.
2007-02-08 04:26:55
answer #6
answered by rick 1
0⤋ will not work because your speed is faster thanth speed of light
2007-02-08 03:53:09
answer #7
answered by Anonymous