Youve probably heard this a million times but your mother really does know best, when you get older you'll see for yourself. All i can say is try to be nicer to mom, shes only trying to do whats best for your life
2007-02-07 19:18:32
answer #1
answered by f_jayce 5
Quarrel With My Mom
2016-12-12 19:36:53
answer #2
answered by ? 4
I know what that's like. My mom and I used to quarrel alot too. Sometimes we still do.
It just depends on WHY you two are quarreling. In my case, it was a series of misunderstandings, coupled with mistakes I'd made in the past.
I dated a total loser my last year of highschool, and he was 4 years older than me. He cheated on me, lied to me, and was disrespectful to me, my friends, and family. Yet I stayed with him for quite a while.
Seeing me make these mistakes upset my mom, it really hurt her. To this day I feel awful about it. We never talked. At all. the next year I broke up with him, and started talking with my mom more. We quarraled alot. Anytime I came home a little late, we'd start fighting. She was convinved I'd gone back to him, when in reality, it was the opposite, I'd finally collected the last money he owed me, and told him to never talk to me again. But she didn't beleive me. I ended up leaving home for a while.
All because of a lack of communication on both our parts.
If i'd just listened to her. and if she would have just listened to me more, we would have been fine.
If you and your mom fight alot, it could be just that. Or maybe she's just so different from you it's frustrating. Regardless the reason. I think you two should sit down and listen to eachother. Just talk about anything. Let her know that it upsets you that you two argue. I guarentee, that'll mean something to her.
My heart goes out to you and your mom
I hope you patch things up
Good luck
2007-02-07 19:24:29
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Some questions for yourself, are you feeling your way to make your own mind up for yourself? To understand who you are and to be the very best that you can be, it will always happen that you and your Mum will clash, she understands, she has experiences on her side you know.
Have you thought of doing something special with her, just you two? When was the last time you told her you loved her? A hug works wonders too you know, Mum's love hugs, I know it may not be "cool" to hug your Mum but she is the only Mum you have. Anger never resolved anything you know, the more you feel anger ask yourself why you feel anger, will you but yourself into danger in some way, is that how your Mum feels, have you asked her also have you asked her how would she resolve the issue, you may get some interesting answers?
2007-02-07 19:33:27
answer #4
answered by Robert C 1
Your Avatar looks like your a girl well if that is the case. Here goes
a little something about me. I am 34 years old and I run my own business right from my home which my mother own's she protects my best interest because growing up I to ahd this same problem but since ask her to forgive me forever reacting the way I did. My father was a good man but left when I was young, and
everytime I ever have a thought of belittling my Father or Mother this one thought keeps crossing threw my head. it's Honor Thy Father and Mother there the only parents I will have in the Flesh!
Hope I could help, but the truth is it's up to you to stop any madness from being seen coming from you and the rest is up to God.
2007-02-07 19:28:27
answer #5
answered by rmsovine_here 1
Just tell me your not living under her roof. Quarrel? I don't think so... Not to say that you have to always agree with her, But after all she is "MOM" and we don't get but one of those. Just close your mouth and listen cause if your set on doing whatever it is, Your going to do it anyway. Give her the respect of listening because even after you fall she will be the one to help you back up.... Believe that. Even after the "I told you so (s)"
2007-02-07 19:33:08
answer #6
answered by egreen3rd 2
I do not mean no harm here . But do you help provide for your upkeep ?. are you a self supporting adult. ?...if you depend on your mom for everything in life ? if NO is your answer , you need to offer an apology , and shut up ! right or wrong she is your mother, you should not be talking back to her, I get on my niece & nephews when they yell at their grandmother...NOBODY will EVER raise their voice, argue or talk back to my mother ...that is the quickest way to for someone to hit the floor.
2007-02-07 19:26:14
answer #7
answered by Insensitively Honest 5
Than go to her and apologize, and ask for her forgiveness and tell her you are sorry for the disrespect.And even if it was not you fault, mother like to be right, so let her think that she is right, you know if she is right or not, so dont hurt her.
2007-02-07 19:21:41
answer #8
answered by I am women 6
Say your sorry that you fought with her and try to resolve the problem like two adults. Everyone fights with the people they love. It is just a matter of communication.
2007-02-07 19:18:47
answer #9
answered by Peanut Butter 5
Next time when something comes up, try to control your anger and think twice before you start firing. Later on you myt make a big mistake and regret it. But it myt be too late. So think twice!!
2007-02-07 19:19:51
answer #10
answered by Anonymous